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A half a game a round a set

1.____: in tennis and volleyball.

2.____: in baseball, chess, volleyball, tennis, football, ice hockey, cricket, and American football.

3._____: in baseball and boxing.

4.____: in football, soccer and American football.


5) What do we call people who take part in these sports and games?

an umpire a quarterback a linesman a fan
a referee a forward a goalkeeper a cheerleader


1. ______: in football, American football and boxing

2. _______: in any spectator sport

3. ________ in cricket, tennis, volley-ball and baseball

4. _______: in football and tennis

5. ______: in American football and rugby

6.: in football and American football

7. _____: in football, ice hockey, handball, water polo, American

football and rugby

8.: in any kind of team games, but especially in American football.


Exercise 15. Write down:

1. Five games where you can hit the ball (with various kinds of equipment).

2. Four games where you can pass the ball (with hands or feet).

3. Three games where you can catch the ball.

4. Two games where you can kick the ball.

5. One game where you can head the ball.


Exercise 16. Answer these questions:


1. If the sea is too cold, where can you go swimming?

2. What do you call the place where you play football?

3. Name a sport which needs snow.

4. What is another name for soccer?

5. Name sports which need water.

6. Name two sports which originally come from Japan.

7. Which sport has the Melbourne Cup?

8. Name one sport in which you can play 'doubles' (two players against two players).

9. Which sport has Formula One?


Exercise 17. Guess what sports are mentioned below:

1. We pass the ball with the racket above the net.

2. Skates are the main equipment for it.

3. This kind of sport is impossible without a pool.

4. The sportsmen use the sword for it.

5. Eleven players of one team play in the field against eleven players
of the other team.


Exercise 18. Read and learn the using of the words: go, play, do with different kinds of sport:


Go Play Do
boxing badminton gymnastics
cycling basketball athletics
swimming volleyball karate
skating football biathlon
figure skating golf bobsleigh
riding a bike hockey aerobics
skiing ice-hockey darts
sailing snooker archery
running squash  
jumping tennis  
skateboarding handball  
horse riding rugby  
surfing table tennis  
sailing soccer  


Exercise 19. Write down the sentences using the words: go, play, do.

1. The boys … football in the yard.

2. A girl … gymnastics in the gymnasium.

3. Pete … volleyball every Saturday.

4. Nick … climbing in the mountains every summer.

5. They often … athletics at school.

6. I … swimming after school.

7. She … skating on the skating-rink.

8. Children … tennis in the stadium.

9. The boy … long jumping at his Physical Training lesson.

10. Ann … riding a horse in the field.

11. We like to … skiing in winter.

12. The boys of our form … karate on Fridays.


Exercise 20. Complete the texts with the words from the boxes:

1. Basketball is a … which you can play … and outside. There are two teams in this game. You need a… and two baskets. You have to lead the ball and throw it into the of the opposite team. The … gets the point every time when its player throws the ball into the basket. The … is the team, which gets more points by the … of the game.

(basket, game, winner, ball, end, inside, team)

2. Tennis is a game for two …. You can play it indoors and …. For this … you need a court, a low …, a racket and a special ball. You have to beat the … with the tennis racket and send the ball to the opposite part of the …. If your partner can’t beat the ball back, you get a point. The … is the person, who gets more points by the end of the game. (players, winner, court, game, ball, outdoors, net)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 915. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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