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Garbage b) an animal that uses milk to feed its babies.

A species c) the process of changing glass or newspapers so that

They can be used again.

4. To die out d) to disappear= not to live anymore

Extinction e) something you throw away

Destroying f) a kind of animal, bird or plant

A mammal g) a process when animals or plants disappear

Exercise 5. Match the problem and the solution:

Air pollution a) to plant more trees

Greenhouse effect b) to waste less and recycle more

Toxic waste c) alternative saurces of energy

Radiation d) new ecollogically pure plants

Destruction of forests e) fewer cars

Exercise 6. Read the texts in some groups and try to explain how to make your own contribution to ecological protection:

Contribution to ecological protection

Our planet is changing. We need to help it change for the better. There are a lot of things that affect our planet in a bad way but everyone can help to reduce them and do their bit for the environment.

1. Energy is everywhere. We use energy to move the mouse for a computer, to jump and shout and walk and run. Radiant energy from the sun enables vegetables, plants, trees and us to live and grow. Electricity is a form of energy and this is what powers the TV, the kettle, dishwasher, hairdryer, toaster, remote control, mobile phone, fridge, stereo, electric toothbrush, mp3 player and more!

Did you know? Our growing need for energy is one of the problems facing the world today, because producing electricity also produces pollution. When you’re using electricity think about where it comes from and how you can use less to take the strain off of the environment.

How to help:

· Lights out! Turning lights off when you're not in the room can save a lot of energy.

· Putting the kettle on. Britons drink an amazing 60.2 billion cups of tea a day according to The Tea Council. That's a lot of tea, and a lot of electricity too! That's why it's important to boil only as much water as you need in your kettle.

· Brrrr The fridge is an important part of the kitchen, it keeps food fresh, cool and healthy! But it takes a lot of energy to keep cool, so help it by not leaving the fridge door open or putting hot things inside.


to affect our planet – впливати на нашу планету

to do their bit for – внести свій внесок, виконувати своє зобов’язання

to power a light bulb – приводити в дію лампочку

radiant energy [΄reidiәnt] – промениста енергія

to enable vegetables – робити придатними овочі

remote control – віддалений контроль


2. Pollution is caused when harmful or poisonous substances are released or found in the air, rivers, seas, animals, plants or even our bodies. Now, we live on a strong planet with plants, animals and humans.

Did you know? Pollution is one of the main causes of asthma, which affects 1.1 million children in the UK.

The livestock we rear for meat emit more greenhouse gas than all the world’s transport! The greenhouse gas that livestock produce is called methane. Methane, together with other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide contribute to global warming by acting like a blanket surrounding the whole planet, trapping the sun’s heat within the atmosphere and causing global temperatures to rise.

Chemical waste from factories and sewage works can also cause pollution that can get into our rivers and seas, which soon carry the harmful particles for miles. Litter is considered pollution as it can cause harm to wildlife and disrupt rivers, streams, seas and other habitats. Harmful chemicals can also be found in many household and garden items, from plastics to cleaning products, weedkillers and sprays.

But all is not lost. We can learn a few tips to help protect the environment and its future:

How to help:

· Don’t drop litter! Birds and animals can mistake litter for food. Litter can end up in rivers and block drains, or in the sea and be eaten by fish. Also, some litter will stay around for thousands of years!

· On your bike! Instead of taking the car get your bicycle.

· Pleasing products. Many household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals which are washed down the drain. Encourage your parents to buy eco-friendly products or even make your own from natural substances like vinegar and lemon juice.


harmful or poisonous substances – шкідливі і отруйні речовини

to be released - бути викинутим

to be found – бути знайденим

livestock [ ΄laivstok] - худоба

to rear for meat – розводити для м’яса

methane [ ΄mi:Өein] - метан

carbon [ ΄ka:bәn] dioxide [dai ΄oks(a)id] – двоокис вуглецю

to contribute to – призводити до

to act like a blanket – діяти, як простирадло

surrounding the whole planet – оточуючи усю планету

trapping the sun’s heat – що ловлять сонячне тепло

sewage [ ΄s(j)u:id3] – сточні води, нечистоти

harmful particles – шкідливі частинки

to disrupt rivers, streams, seas and other habitats – руйнувати річки, струмки, моря і інші місця розповсюдження (природне середовище)

weedkillers – винищувачі бур’яну

to drop litter – упускати папери

to be washed down the drain – бути змитим у водовідвід(водосток)

vinegar [ ΄vinigә] and lemon juice – оцет і лимонний сік

3. Food. We can’t live without it! With more than 7 billion people on earth the demand for food has never been bigger. In the UK alone they spend about £182 billion pounds a year keeping fed and watered. That’s a lot of food!

The first question is - where is all this food coming from? Our food comes from all over the world - your green beans might come from Egypt, coffee maybe from Africa, perhaps your bananas have travelled from Ecuador and apples flew across the Pacific Ocean from New Zealand. All of these ‘food miles’ amounts to a lot of transport and transport means fuel and fuel means pollution.

What else does food need to grow? Water and good soil! Plants and trees that give us fruit need to eat too you know. Some countries and farms add pesticides and insecticides to food to keep away pests and insects. These chemicals can sometimes be harmful to wildlife and their habitats and sometimes to humans too.

Here in the west we eat 7 times more than people in poorer countries. We eat a lot of meat and dairy food. What do these foods have in common? Meat and dairy food both come from animals, and animals also need food and water. And as we saw above, they also fart a lot! Livestock farts produce a greenhouse gas called methane and all this amounts to 20% of the world’s climate-changing gases.

How to Help:

· Meat Free Mondays are an easy and effective way to cut down on meat. Make one or even two of your days meat-free.

· Eat organic! Organic foods have had no insecticides and pesticides added to them which makes them more natural and healthy. Eating organic food reduces how many chemicals are made and spread across the countryside.

· Washing. Always wash your hands before eating to prevent the spread of invisible bacteria and chemicals. It’s also good to wash fruit and vegetables before eating or cooking.


the demand for food – потреба їжі

amounts - багато

fuel [ ΄fjuәl] - пальне

livestock - худоба

to fart – псувати повітря

to cut down on meat – вирізувати на м'ясо

to spread - розповсюджуватися

invisible - невидимий

4. Water. Turn on the tap and there it is. Getting water is so easy that you’d be mistaken for thinking that there was an endless supply. But the world has a water shortage. 70% of the world is covered in water - we should call our planet ‘ocean’ not ‘earth’! But most of this water is salt water, leaving only a small percentage of fresh drinking water. Countries including Spain, Italy, Peru, China and South Africa actually import water from exporting countries such as the US, Australia and Argentina. 1.1 billion people on earth have no access to clean drinking water. This global shortage is predicted to get worse as global temperatures rise.

We can reduce our water use.

How to help:

· Don’t take shower too long. Cut down your shower time by 1 or 2 minutes.

· Don’t waste water when cleaning the teeth.

· Repair the taps miming.


to turn on the tap – відкривати кран

an endless supply – безкінечні запаси

a water shortage – скорочення води

to waste water – марнувати воду

to repair the taps miming – ремонтувати крани


5. Rubbish. Let’s start with a fact. Every year the UK produces 280 million tonnes of waste - that’s about the same as 700,000 fully loaded airliners. We throw away unwanted food, glass bottles, plastic bottles, cans, wrappers, paper and cardboard. Can you think of anything else?

Many of these things are made up of natural resources such as trees, coal, oil and aluminium and one day some of these resources will be used up completely.

Over the last ten years the whole of the UK has come together to do more about this. 40% of all household waste is now recycled compared to just 11% in 2000. Do you recycle at home and at college? Why recycle? Recycling glass, paper, cardboard and plastic should save the energy it would take to make new paper, glass bottles and plastic containers.

Recycling in the UK saves more than 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – equivalent to taking 5 million cars off the road. Recycling isn’t a new thing either. So, is all our rubbish really rubbish?

How to help:

Thinking more about what we waste helps to protect the environment by saving energy, reducing pollution, cutting costs and preserving our natural resources.

· Save trees! Save trees by recycling your own paper. Paper with a clean side can be made into notebooks. They are great for notes. If you are buying paper, buy recycled paper.

· Would you like a bag? If you can carry your shopping home without a bag then carry it home. If you can’t why not take a bag you already have with you. Re-using bags is the cool way to shop!

· Packaging. Packaging is a big problem for the environment because once the product is open you don’t need it and it’s thrown out or, if it’s lucky, recycled. So avoid buying products that have a lot of paper and plastic around them.

fully loaded airliners – повністю завантажені авіалайнери

to throw away - викидати

wrappers - обгортки

cardboard - картон

to preserve natural resources – зберігати природні ресурси

notebooks - записники

to avoid - уникати


6. Rainforests (Deforestation). Rainforests are valuable habitats. About half of all the species of animals and plants in the world live in rainforests and thousands of rainforest plants contain substances that can be used in medicines. The tribal people of the forests have great knowledge of them. Rainforests are also important because the huge number of plants and trees there provide us with oxygen through a process called photosynthesis and help to regulate the world's climate and atmosphere. This is why they are often referred to as the ‘lungs’ of the earth.

Despite their value, an area of rainforest the size of Britain is destroyed every year. This is called deforestation. Rainforests cover only 6% of the world as we cut down the trees for materials such as paper and wood and use the land for farming and crops.

Sometimes they're burnt down to make space to grow soya which is an animal feed and to grow palm oil. Palm oil is a bio-fuel used as an alternative to petrol and diesel, as well as being in 33% of products in your local supermarket! Everyone can do their bit to help reduce the need for deforestation, just follow our tips below.

How to help:

· Good wood. Tropical hardwoods such as teak and mahogany are grown in rainforests and take hundreds of years to grow. So avoid any products made with these woods. It is better have products made with pine, beech, ash or oak. These trees don’t come from the rainforest and can be more easily replaced as they grow a lot faster.

· Flowers. Orchids are popular in florists, but many come from the rainforest. They import millions of flowers every year and despite checks some orchids may have been taken from the wild. Check that any orchids have been grown in the EU before buying.

· Protected Pet? Some parrots and macaws are unfortunately still being imported into the country to be sold as pets. If you want a parrot as a pet, make sure it hasn’t been hatched in the rainforests.

· Save trees Save trees by recycling your own paper. Paper with a clean side can be made into notepads. They are great for notes. If you are buying paper, buy recycled paper, whether it is writing paper or toilet paper!


Some steps for saving rainforests and ecosystems around the world can be abbreviated as TREES:

· T each others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.

· R estore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down.

· E ncourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment.

· E stablish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife.

· S upport companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.


valuable habitats – цінні природні середовища

the tribal people – тубільне населення

to provide with oxygen – забезпечувати киснем

to be referred to – бути віднесеним до

deforestation – вирубування лісів

tropical hardwoods – тропічні дерева з твердою деревиною

teak – тик (дерево)

mahogany [mә΄hogәni]– червоне дерево

pine – сосна

beech – бук, букове дерево

ash - ясен oak – дуб

to be replaced – бути заміненим

to grow - вирощувати

orchids [ ΄o:kidz] - орхідеї

macaws [mә ΄ ko:]– макао (папуга )

to be hatched – бути виведеним

to restore damaged ecosystems – відновлювати пошкоджені екосистеми

to establish parks – створювати парки

to minimize damage to the environment – зменшувати шкоду

навколишньому середовищу


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the information from the texts:

10. We need to.... to save electricity.

11. If we want to help protect the environment we need.....

12. To avoid amounting of the world’s climate-changing gases we need to eat....

13. If we want to have access to clean drinking water we need....

14. We must think if all our rubbish is really rubbish. So we need to....

15. Everyone can do their bit to help reduce the need for deforestation. We must follow such tips as....


Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps in the text:

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