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Bibigul Shektybayeva: It was my first trip to a factory, so I gained a lot of from this trip. We saw how to apply knowledge in reality. Whole trip was exciting! Do you want to have internship in locomotion factory? – Yes. I would like to learn how the machines work not just look at them. Which factories you want to see in next field trips?– Maybe computer factory. In general – I think such trips are helpful to understand the current level of industrial machinery and think how to improve it, what needed to factories in KZ. However, as I mentioned it would be better to learn and see how the machines work!

Saltanat Karazhigitova: Do you want to have internship in locomotion factory? – If we practice there, for example, how to program machines. What experience did you get from field trip? – First of all, I did not know that there are such factories in KZ. It was first visit to a factory. The most interesting part of trip is… – Nice to see everything with your eyes. Which factories you want to see in next field trips? – Every/any factory which is related to our specialization. In general – Everything should be explained by engineer, rather than manager. I find these kind of field trips very interesting and educative!

Julia Nekhoroshih: What experience did you get from field trip? - Got some knowledge about trains (the way they are done) and the factory. The most interesting part of trip is… – To observe the work and see the parts of trains separately. What was new thing which you saw in field trip? – 1) I did not know that we have such companies; 2) Parts of the train – did not know anything about it. Would you like to have more of this kind of field trips? – Yes, sure! It is very interesting. Which factories you want to see in next field trips? – Plain making, space ships, car, industrial… In general – Minus is given for bus waiting. Can not say that after this trip I do know everything about train-factories and way they get product. But at least some information left in memory. It was more interesting to observe workers and the way the details were done and, sure, the final product. I would like to see the engines, and final process, when all details are putting together.

Baurzhan Aubakir: What experience did you get from field trip? – See and touch is much better than read theory from book. The most interesting part of trip is…– observing inside of locomotive. Would you like to have more of this kind of field trips? – Yes. Field trips are much more interesting than lectures. Which factories you want to see in next field trips?– Mercedes factory. I’m kidding. Maybe Tal’go or Tsesna.

Zhansaya Zhapar: Now I can say that I was at train’s Fabric and I know how generally the process of their construction goes. Everything was new. Want to go to other field trips. Want to visit food factories.

Tasbolat Taunyazov: What was new thing which you saw in field trip? – Lots of new automated operating machines. I was excited to go to field trip with group!

Ekaterina Ponomarenko: The most exciting part of field trip – the second time we went for excursion – we were inside of the locomotive. Want to have more field trips! It is interesting and the group becomes united.

Kamazhay Tulkibayeva: It was the first time I was at the factory, so, I liked it! It was very noisy and sometimes could not hear the guide.

Someone:The most interesting part of trip is…– cutting a metal with gas. Which factories you want to see in next field trips? – car, book and clothes factory.Thank you very much for organizing amazing trip!!!

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 628. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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