NAZARBAYEV UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIELD TRIP TO JSC «LOCOMOTIVE ASSEMBLING PLANT» Time: 7 March 2012, 4-6 pm, Venue: JSC «Locomotive Assembling Plant», Industrial Park, Astana, Recently, in partnership with General Electric and Talgo companies JSC “National company “Kazakstan Temir Zholy” has established the two industrial projects in railway transport manufacturing in Astana: JSC “Locomotiv kurastyru zauyty” and LLP “Tulpar-Talgo” accordingly, aiming to transfer latest technologies in railway transport manufacturing to Kazakhstan.
Aim of the field trip: In 2011 the Nazarbayev University started the Robotics & Mechatronics Engineering program aimed at preparing highly qualified engineers with extensive practical skills working in the fields of robotics, mechatronics, automation, mechanical, electrical and computer engineering. In the “Freshmen Robotics Colloquium” course, the first year Robotics & Mechatronics students are provided with the opportunity to become familiar with advanced technological systems. This includes visits to manufacturing plants and industrial enterprises. This has an objective of giving students an insight into operations and actual visual exposure to the technological equipment used in industry. Furthermore, this will supplement the various theories acquired in the classroom for better understanding and application.
Trip participants: SST Robotics&Mechatrnics faculty and teaching assistants, SST Robotics& Mechatronics students, SST Physics Students, SST Computational Science students, 30 students in total.
Trip outcomes: Above stated aims of the field trip were achieved. In addition, it was agreed that in future NU may request student placement for industrial internships to the company.
Время и место экскурсии: 7 марта 2012 г., АО «Локомотив Құрастыру Зауыты» (г. Астана) Цель поездки: Студентам предоставляется возможность ознакомиться с передовыми технологическими системами во время посещений сборочных производств и промышленных предприятий, Организаторы: Назарбаев университет, КТЖ и АО «Локомотив Құрастыру Зауыты» Программа мероприятия - ознакомление с работой предприятия и совреемнными технологическиим линиями.