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EXERCISES. I. What are the English equivalents to:

I. What are the English equivalents to:

1)Сгущенка, кефир, сметана, сухое обезжиренное молоко, крупа, гречка, пшено, овсянка, рис, горох, манная крупа, фасоль, зеленый горошек, подсолнечное масло, оливковое масло, крахмал, лапша, спагетти, макароны, рожки, вермишель, молотый кофе, натуральный растворимый кофе, какао порошок, сахарная пудра, глазурь.

2)Кабачок, свёкла, цветная капуста, редиска, спаржа, чеснок, салат, петрушка, репа, баклажан, мандарин, груша, абрикос, кокос, дыня, арбуз, хурма, малина, клюква, черешня, смородина, крыжовник, черника, ежевика, облепиха, черемуха, изюм, чернослив, финики, курага, грецкий орех, земляной орех (арахис), фундук, каштан, миндаль.

3) Говядина, свинина, баранина, ветчина, молодой ягненок, тушеное мясо, сосиски, домашняя птица, барбекю, колбаса, индейка, гусь, гусенок, лосина, оленина, легкие, язык, печень, сердце, почки, вымя, свиной жир; консервированная, копченая, соленая, сухая, свежая рыба, креветка, речной рак, краб, устрица, мидия, морская капуста, икра, лосось, сельдь, щука, копченая селедка, омар, форель, скумбрия, сардина, треска, пикша, окунь, карп, тунец, лещ.

4) Ржаной хлеб, пшеничный хлеб, буханка, булочки, сухари, бублики, сдобные булочки, вафли, выпечка, пряник, бисквитный торт, пончик, слоеный торт, сырники, оладьи, блины, сладости, шоколадные конфеты, ириски, карамель, мармелад, начинка

5) напиток, безалкогольный напиток, натуральный сок, компот, выжимать (сок), молочный коктейль, крепкий/слабый чай, быстрорастворимый кофе.

II. 1. Find the odd word:

rolls wafer biscuit parsley buns  


2. Match the name of meet and the names of animals who give it:

1. pork 2. mutton 3. veal 4. beef  
  1. calf
  2. sheep
  3. pig
  4. cow
  5. duck


3. Match the Russian word and the English equivalent:

  1. salmon
  2. flatfish
  3. trout
  4. cod
  1. форель
  2. треска
  3. камбала
  4. лосось
  5. сельдь


4. Match the English words and their definitions:

  1. radish
  2. carrot
  3. tomato
  4. cucumber
1. A long pointed orange root vegetable 2. A small crisp red or white root vegetable with a strong taste eaten raw in salads 3. A long vegetable with dark green skin and light green flesh that is usually eaten raw 4. A soft fruit with a lot of juice and red skin that is eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked  


5. Find the odd word:

1. cabbage 2. broccoli 3. cauliflower 4. lettuce 5. brussels sprouts


6. Match the Russian and the English equivalents:

1. raspberry 2. cranberry 3. strawberry 4. gooseberry 5. currant
  1. малина
  2. клубника
  3. крыжовник
  4. клюква


7. From the list of words choose dairy products:

  1. curds
  2. custard
  3. semolina
  4. marrow
  5. mackerel
  6. cheese
  7. evaporated milk


8. Match the quantities and the kinds of food:

  1. grain
  2. loaf
  3. lump
  4. drop
  5. bar
  1. bread
  2. chocolate
  3. rice
  4. sugar
  5. water


9. Arrange the words into 3 groups:

A. Meat B. Vegetables C. Spices and dressings

  1. beef 9. veal 17. nutmeg
  2. pepper 10. poultry 18. ginger
  3. kidneys 11. ketchup 19. pork
  4. lettuce 12. beetroot 20. mutton
  5. cabbage 13. spinach 21. cauliflower
  6. turnip 14. mustard 22. onion
  7. cinnamon 15. cucumber 23. radish
  8. vinegar 16. liver 24. salt


10. Choose the odd word:

  1. liqueur
  2. vermouth
  3. stewed fruit
  4. port-wine
  5. rum


11. Match the opposites:

  1. stale
  2. overdone
  3. tough
  4. sour
  1. tender
  2. fresh
  3. sweet
  4. underdone
  5. spicy


12. Fill in the missing words where necessary:

  1. to blend smth…smth
  2. to bring…a boil
  3. to lay…the table
  4. to wash smth…cold running water


13. What can one buy at the confectioner’s:

  1. candies 5. buckwheat
  2. pineapples 6. pike
  3. cakes 7. chocolate
  4. lettuce 8. mayonnaise



14. Match the name of the shop and the product one can buy there:

  1. greengrocer’s
  2. fishmonger’s
  3. butcher’s
  4. baker’s
  1. bread
  2. lamb
  3. apricots
  4. sturgeon
  5. margarine


15. Fill in the necessary words, using the words from the right column:

1. mouth-… selection of smth 2. an inviting-… dish 3. watery and … 4. … in the mouth  
  1. looking
  2. watering
  3. melting
  4. tasteless
  5. flavoured


16. Match the words and their definitions:

  1. to broil
  2. to stew
  3. to fry
  4. to bake
  1. to cook smth slowly in liquid in a closed dish
  2. to cook meet or fish under direct heat or over heat on metal bars
  3. to cook food in an oven
  4. to cook smth in hot fat or oil


17. Match the Russian and English equivalents:

  1. to mince
  2. to sprinkle with
  3. to grate
  4. to slice
  1. тереть на терке
  2. резать ломтиками
  3. посыпать чем-либо
  4. крошить, рубить


18. Fill in the necessary prepositions:

  1. What’s … the menu today?
  2. I would like to treat you … the bisquits I have cooked … breakfast.
  3. This cheese is just … my liking.
  4. I am not that hungry. I think I can do … a snack.


19. Match the words and their definitions:

  1. a cook
  2. a cooker
  3. cuisine
  4. cookery
  1. the art of preparing and cooking food
  2. a person who cooks food
  3. a style of cooking peculiar for a certain country
  4. special equipment containing an oven and gas or electric rings on top


20. Choose the word with the general meaning:

  1. cereal
  2. buckwheat
  3. millet
  4. semolina


21. Choose the odd word:

  1. half-baked
  2. hastily prepared
  3. delicious
  4. sickly-looking


22. Match the English and Russian equivalents:

  1. hazel-nut
  2. walnut
  3. peanut
  4. chestnut
  1. арахис
  2. грецкий орех
  3. фундук
  4. каштан


23. Match the English and Russian equivalents:

  1. to knead dough
  2. to whisk
  3. to sift
  4. to peel
  1. снимать кожицу
  2. взбивать
  3. замешивать тесто
  4. просеивать


24. Choose the word with the general meaning:

  1. goose
  2. duck
  3. poultry
  4. turkey
  5. hen


25. Fill in the gaps, using the words from the right column:

  1. Wine is made from ….
  2. A … is a large round yellow citrus fruit with a lot of slightly bitter juice.
  3. For most Russian people one of the main New Year symbols is …
  4. … are considered to be apes’ favourite fruit.
  1. tangerines
  2. bananas
  3. grapes
  4. grape-fruit
  5. pineapples


26. Match the Russian and English equivalents:

  1. shrimp
  2. oyster
  3. sprats
  4. crayfish
  1. устрица
  2. речной рак
  3. креветка
  4. шпроты
  5. краб


27. Match the synonyms:

  1. plum
  2. shrimp
  3. drink
  4. eggplant
  1. prawn
  2. beverage
  3. prune
  4. aubergine


28. The combination “a frugal meal” means:

  1. a substantial meal
  2. a light / plain meal
  3. a nourishing meal
  4. the main meal

29. Choose the odd word:

  1. bay leaf
  2. caraway
  3. dates
  4. cloves
  5. pepper


30. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

  1. This soup is flavoured … onions.
  2. Please, pass…me the salt.
  3. Let’s dine … today, I’ll take you to my favourite café.
  4. We have run … … coffee, will you go and buy some?


31. Match the words and their definitions:

  1. Bisquit
  2. Jelly
  3. Marmalade
  4. Pudding
  1. A sweet dish, often like a cake, eaten at the end of a meal.
  2. Jelly made from oranges, lemons, especially for breakfast.
  3. A small flat dry cake, usually sweet, baked until crisp.
  4. A cold sweet transparent food made from gelatin, sugar, that shakes when moving.


32. Match the English and the Russian equivalents:

  1. Starter
  2. Helping
  3. Minced meat
  4. Doughnut
  1. Фарш
  2. Пончик
  3. Добавка
  4. Первое блюдо


33. Match the synonyms:

  1. Groats
  2. Filling
  3. Nourishing
  4. Starter
  1. Stuffing
  2. Substantial
  3. Cereals
  4. Appetizer


34. Match the synonyms:

  1. Gourmet foods
  2. Serviette
  3. Sweet
  4. Oatmeal
  1. Porridge
  2. Napkin
  3. Delicatessen
  4. Candy


35. Choose the odd word:

  1. Curds
  2. Custard
  3. Yoghurt
  4. Pastry
  5. Whey



36. Match the words and their definitions:

  1. Foodie
  2. Snack
  3. Omelette
  4. Poultry
  1. Meat or eggs of chickens, ducks, geese
  2. A small meal, eaten in a hurry
  3. A hot dish of eggs mixed together and fried
  4. A person who is very interested in cooking and eating different kinds of food


37. Match the names of the products and the basins in which they are kept:

  1. Sugar
  2. Salt
  3. Pepper
  4. Sauce
  1. Box
  2. Basin
  3. Cellar
  4. Boat


38. What does “High Tea” mean?

  1. A meal consisting of cooked food, bread and butter and cakes, with tea to drink, eaten in the late afternoon or early evening.
  2. Tea, served at five o’clock.
  3. A snack in the middle of the working day.
  4. A special sort of tea, gathered in highlands.


39. Choose the synonym to the word “tinned”:

  1. Canned
  2. Smoked
  3. Broiled
  4. Baked


40. Which expression is wrong?

  1. To stick to a diet
  2. To follow a diet
  3. To sit on a diet
  4. To be on a diet


41. Match the English and Russian equivalents:

  1. Bland diet
  2. Crush diet
  3. Reducing diet
  4. Special diet
  1. Строгая диета
  2. Восстанавливающая диета
  3. Нестрогая диета
  4. Индивидуальная диета

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 633. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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