Recommendations on this issue consist of 2 parts.
1. a) The recommendation is not to do anything given the fact that the series is to be shown once a week and VYP has to produce 8 programmes of an hour length each.
b) In order to get J. Strong to play in the series, it’s possible to offer him a considerable sum of money up to £500,000 OR
2. a) VYP should negotiate with BBC in order to make them realize that re-commissioning is costly as well as the launch given the fact that the series is to be shown twice a week (or more). We suggest using the following arguments: - Filming 16 programmes or more will not give VYP more than 4 % profit (on £5m revenue), which is less than last year’s 7,6 % - In order to get John Strong to play in the 2nd series more money is required to either release him from his contact for the last two months of it so as to shoot the series by the 1st of April 2012 sharp or to get him for 4 months on from now - If shooting sharply by the 1st of April 2012 is the case the cost of the series will further rise as filming costs increase with time - Actors and screenwriters will want more money as they have become prominent after the first series’ success. - Filming outside may be required - Computer graphics may be required
b) The problems of re-commissioning of drama series and expansion into the new market of corporate videos can be solved simultaneously. Instead of demanding more money from BBC VYP could suggest that BBC give it some advertising time while the drama series is shown. This advertising time could be used to promote Zubinos coffee shops.