Lesponne, Hautes Pyrénées, France
Infosheet «Looking for the Unicorn» Training course, Key Action 1: Mobility project for young people and youth workers From the 25thof April to the 3rd of May 2015 Lesponne, Hautes Pyrénées, France Training: It is anon-formalmeeting between European youth workers. The working methods will include interactive workshops, brainstorming sessions, outdoor games, discussions, presentations, debates, energizers, etc. An interactive methodology using the tools encouraged by non-formal education will be used in order to empower the active involvement of all participants. Theme: Storytelling as a tool to raise awareness about environment Concordia Aquitaine has launched a strategy to develop projects and activities around environmental awareness. This project consists in: a training for youth workers in order to give them story telling tools adapted to environmental awareness two youth exchanges where the participants will create a tale based on their experience with nature.