Студопедия — Lesson 5
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Lesson 5

PROBLEM-BASED TASK “My native town”


There is a great number of cities and towns or even villages in every country. But there is only one that you will never forget. It is your native city, a place you have been born in. Now you will have a chance to inform others and to share your emotions about it.

The task

Imagine you are on an exchange programme in a European university. Your new group mates want to know more about your Motherland. Write an article into a university paper about your native town. Think of the questions the students may ask you about the city (10 questions). Try to answer them in the article.

Speak about

· the location of the city (it’s geographic position, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.));

· the population of the city;

· the economic situation of the city (industrial or agricultural, etc.)

· the cultural life (theatres, museums, parks, galleries etc.)

· the sights of the city.

Try to share your emotions about the city. You may bring some photos of the city sights.


This assignment is worth 5 grades. Points will be awarded as follows:

1 grade – the use of the vocabulary of the lesson

1 grade – the grammatical correctness of the text

1 grade – informativness (did you answer all the questions)

1 grade – the composition of the text

1 grade – creativity, effort and neatness of presentation, personal effort

Group discussion “HOLIDAYS”


There are many countries all over the world. Different countries have different customs, cultures, languages, and religions. They also have different holidays.

The task

At home study the following websites to gather information about holidays in English speaking countries.





Work in groups. Discuss the following questions concerning holidays in different countries.

  1. What are the favourite holidays in your country?
  2. Do you like these holidays? Why?
  3. What are the favourite holidays in English speaking countries (Great Britain, The USA, Australia, etc.)?
  4. What are the common holidays that all countries celebrate? Are there any differences?
  5. What are the holidays that are celebrated only in this or that country?


This assignment is worth 5 grades. Points will be awarded as follows:

1 grade – the use of the vocabulary of the lesson

1 grade – the grammatical correctness of speech

1 grade – informativeness (did you answer all the questions)

1 grade – personal effort and activity

1 grade – creativity and neatness of presentation

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 516. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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