Студопедия — Lesson 3. Translate the words and phrases and try to pronounce them correctly.
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Lesson 3. Translate the words and phrases and try to pronounce them correctly.


Translate the words and phrases and try to pronounce them correctly.

to be situated

to consist






in practice

Prime Minister

highly developed



Listen to the text “ GREAT BRITAIN ” and be ready to discuss it with your partner.



I. Correct the statements if you find them wrong. Use such phrases as: I agree with you. You are right. or I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. That’s not true/right.

  1. The UK consists of England, Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland.
  2. The surface of the British Isles does not vary much.
  3. There are some rivers but they are very long.
  4. The climate of the British Isles is mild because of the Gulf Stream.
  5. The territory of UK is not very small.
  6. People in Britain prefer to live in cities not in the country.
  7. The Prime Minister is the head of the state.
  8. London is the capital of England.
  9. The economy of the UK depends on the agriculture.
  10. British people have a lot of traditions and always keep them.


II.Answer the following questions using the information from the text.

  1. The UK is an island state, isn’t it? Where is it situated?
  2. What are the parts of Great Britain?
  3. Does the surface of the country vary very much?
  4. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?
  5. Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
  6. How large is Great Britain?
  7. The UK is a monarchy. What does it mean?
  8. Who rules the country?
  9. Is the UK a highly developed industrial or agricultural country?
  10. What is the capital of Great Britain?


III. Do the Knowledge Quiz about Great Britain, its history, geography, culture and politics.

Britain Knowledge Quiz

1. Who is the current monarch?  
King George Queen Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth III  
2. Which of the following is incorrect (not right)?

The river Thames flows trough London

Scotland is south of England

Wales is west of England

Tonbridge is south of London

3. Which of the following is an area of sea water adjacent (next to) to the UK?

Pacific ocean

Sea of Scotland

North Atlantic Ocean

Arctic Ocean

4. Which of the following is a well known British food?


Frogs legs.

Fish and chips


5. The highest point in the UK is....?

Ben Nevis, Scotland

Snowdon, Wales

Helvellyn, England

Kinder Scout, England

7. Which of the following is NOT the patron Saint of a UK country?

St. George

St. Harry

St. Patrick

St. Andrew

8. How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
9. Who is the Prime Minister of the country?

Tony Blair

John Frazer

Gordon Brown

John Major

10. The currency of the UK, the Pound Sterling, today is worth about ….RUS rouble?
11. Famous shopping streets in London are …?

5-th avenue

Oxford Street

Princes Street

New Bond Street

12. Which of these inventions are NOT British:?

the steam engine



the bicycle

13. Rolls Royce, Britain’s most prestigeous motor company, has recently been taken over by …?





14. The quickest way of travelling from France to Britain is by …?”





15. The first capital of Britain was …






IV. Complete the table. How much do you know about Britain?

Three British rivers Three British companies Three British writers: Three British singers
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.


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