Negative aspects in urbanization in Ukraine
Despite the advantages of city life, urban environment for people is artificial and detached from the natural order, which took place thousands of years their lives. Artificial urban environment harmful to human health through air pollution, lack of sunlight, water, and gatherings of the population, lack of green space and more. Also a threat to human health in of noise, vibration loading, transportation problems, the influence of electric, magnetic, ionization fields. Thus, in large cities all parties exacerbated livelihood of people: full supply enough food and drinking water control and prevention of air pollution, water resources, soil, utilization and disposal of hazardous nahromadzhuvanyh production and waste, as well as social problems, connected associated with a sharp decrease in the free "living" space, urban growth in a high, an increase in diseases caused by pollution and others. The main sources of pollution are transport, energy and industry of the city Reduced air quality is dangerous to the health of urban residents. Person per day takes on average 25 kg of air. Even if the relative amount of pollutants in the air small, their total amount that enters the body when breathing, may be toxic The most common harmful admixture of air pollution is carbon monoxide Too much of this gas in the air leads to rapid fatigue rights, headache, dizziness, weakening of memory, a violation of cardiovascular and other systems. Specific policies in leads to the fact that people are 80-95% of their time indoors (homes, subways, office space). One measure of the quality of urban life is the air space. According to the rating agencies of the U.S. EPA, the air in urban areas contaminated by 100 times higher than outside.
Drinking water - the most important factor in health. In city apartments taps drinking water comes from rivers, reservoirs, lakes, groundwater from the depths Purest - Underground (especially deep, artesian) water But in the big cities of this water is not enough The water may contain 13 000 toxic substances, water is transferred to 80% of all diseases, of which the world die each year 25 million people. For natural water was suitable for use, it goes through several stages of cleaning and disinfection at water stations. Methods of cleaning contaminated water can be grouped into the following groups: mechanical, physical, physical, mechanical, physical, himnichni, biological, complex. For residents of noise - business as usual. Quite often people do not even think of it unnatural In any region of noisy vehicles, tram rumbles, with some noise is now near the airfield with flying aircraft In apartments noisy refrigerators and washing machines, in doorways - elevators The list goes on. To indicate the complex influence of noise on man entered the medical term - "noise sickness". Symptoms of the disease are headache, nausea, irritability, are often accompanied by temporary hearing loss By the noise of the disease tend to most urban residents, who are always noise burden. For example, standard sound level in dB for residents of residential areas should be 55 day and 45 at night However, various sources of anthropogenic noise making a significant contribution to the sound environment of the city. In modern urban areas with high traffic noise levels close to a dangerous limit of 80 dB.
Ministry of education and science, youth and sport of Ukraine National Aviation University Institute of Aerospace Control Systems
Home work on discipline “Ecology”