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IV. Solution Two - Banning web sites and implementations of the project against bad content.

(Topic sentence 2)

A. Advantages: Loverweigh)

There is no way to violate the contract, which will be proved for individuals.

If administration of most visited web sites will put restrictions on age, so then teens will not be able to use networks completely and using bad content.

If there is going on a project, which bans all web sites with bad content, parent should to control their children.

B. Disadvantages

The implementation of the project will cost a lot and it will be complex to organize this work without extra financial help.

If Internet providers will put the restrictions on age, so there will be deficient number of people who potentially use Internet.


IV. Conclusion-Recommendation

The second solution is more suitable and effective than the first one, all benefits from the second solution are explicit and just needs initiatives from internet providers and web sites moderators.

________________________ ____________________________________________



Internet has become an enormous, global and worldwide usage. Back to 1960, the United States government utilized Internet in order to implement network as new a type of communication. In 1980 this creation was attempt to be used globally and it led to worldwide participation. This new stream is almost in every area such as education, entertainment, business, medicine and other fields. Anonymous (2012) How many people use interment “ over 2.2 billion people use Internet and most likely they use this as a source of communication and having fun” http://exploredia.com/how-many-people-use-internet-2013/. Nowadays, teenagers utilize Internet for more socializing and entertaining themselves. Everyday every teen around the world finds, shares, exchanges and communicates on Internet. Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter and other social networks are the main part of teenage day or even their lives. Looking at the imagines, long conversations in chats sites as well as having discussions on video they have seen; all these have become so regular and familiar for them. Not a lot of people understand that this invention brought a lot of problems and one of them would be Internet addiction. Anonymous (2011) “Seventy percent of U.S teens from age 12 to 17 spend time on Facebook or other social networking sites on a typical day”. American School and University, Vol. 84 Issue 1, p58-58, 1/3p. It is well-known that this kind of addiction does not seem so serious as drinking or drugs using but there is a need to take a deep research on this issue or even look at teenagers who are using internet 5-11 hours per day it is necessary to consider this issue as equal as alcohol or smoking addictions. Internet Addiction spreads out and instigates craving among teenagers in order to use Internet more and more.

Nowadays Internet is available twenty-four hours per day, lack of control and all provided supply to use it, teens are more vulnerable to get addicted. As well as students in universities and colleges use social networks so hard that administration put control on computers in labs. In a fact, social networks destruct a lot and gets on the ways of education or different types of important activities or things. If teenager foregoes the invitation to the movie theatre or other types of activities, while using her or his laptop, it means that teen might be addiction to virtual world. It is too much time dedicated to Internet that it develops varies types of disorders. Aviv Weinstein and Michel Lejoyeux have found (2012) “ Cross-sectional studies on samples of patients report high comorbidity of Internet addiction with psychiatric disorders, such as affective disorder, anxiety disorders (including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).” These studies approved that Internet is very dangerous for teenager’s health as they can gain some of those disorders. There are currently no medical diagnostic instruments to find out the actual type of addiction. There have been many researches, which are dedicated to understand what Internet Addiction is, as Alice G. Walton has approved (2012) “ One of the research has shown that people with Internet addiction have demonstrable changed in their brains – both in the connections between cells and in the brain areas that control attention, executive control and emotion processing.” As well as she has noticed that these changes in brains are similar to people, who use drugs such as cocaine, heroine and other substances. However, in reality it does not seem so bad from the first look, but inside this problem it remains dangerous and needed to be considered on high level.

There is another problem, which is unpleasant to society and brings lots of damage to the kid’s attitudes, is bad content. In social networks bad content are spread out so well that it started to be one of the things that teens crave to use it. In every web site very easily, every individual can download pictures or videos with bad content or just looking at that, while being online. Anonymous (2011) American School and University “Forty percent of all teens surveyed have seen pictures on social networking sites of kids getting drunk, passed out or using drugs. Those students, too, are at great risk of using alcohol or marijuana.” Vol. 84 Issue 1, p58-58, 1/3p. Consider this fact it triggers wanting among teenagers to drink alcohol or to use drugs too, they would not understand that this content is bad and it should be restricted, unfortunately it is not. Social networks also spread very bad tendencies such as Bob Marley, indisputably he was a great singer but at the same time the person who was addicted to marihuana, young people assume that Bob Marley is an idol for them and they start to be more alike.

The first step in order to overcome Internet addiction among teenagers is to put a control on using computer. Parents have the priority to regulate hours, which teenagers spent in Internet. They should count how many hours their children spend using computer and if it is overweigh than normal usage, then they should try to restrict them in it by using different types of secure such as password or special devices. The first advantage is that teens are will be totally conducted and controlled by their parents. As well as parents can offer a psychological help to children. Alice G. Walton has found (2012) “ Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) might be an effective method to treat IUD.” This is type of therapy, which works on replacing the damage mind on more productive one, which means that psychologists can put a great impact on children. There would not be any opportunity to make teen ill or spoiled by using Internet. Also parents will know that their children get just appropriate information. The second advantage is leisure, children’s guardians are supposed to attempt to involve them in different social or sport clubs by asking them in what they would be more interested instead of networks, so that would be the places, where teenagers can communicate in natural way. These actions make children versatile. Perhaps, they will lose their craving to Internet and after that they will just move on and develop themselves. The disadvantage is that these strict forces can offend teens and relations between teens and parents can be destroyed. Indeed, it is so typical, if take away the toy from a baby, he or she will cry and it is the same thing, teenagers will be so upset that it would be seem as a taken toy. The second disadvantage is that parents are not so informed about this issue and they will not actually pay serious attention to it. They might put the password or regulate their hours spending on Internet but all these would not stop teens to use bad content. As well as teens will find different spots out of the house, for instance Internet clubs or friend’s houses for continuing usage. Parents will not utterly protect them from Internet. This solution is feasible for short period and it won’t give a great impact on solving this problem. At first, children will obey parents, but then, as parents already trust children, there would not be a need to keep the eye on kids. There is no really good possibility that this solution will fix it. Of course, parents can influent on kids, but it is necessary to have a help of professionals.

The second suggested solution and the most effective is hard work from Internet providers as well as web sites moderators in restriction and banning web sites. The purpose of web site moderators is to analyze the most visited web sites and restrict them in using. For instance, Facebook is the most visited web site around the world; Facebook’s administration should to put a restriction on ages between twelve and eighteen by allowing them to use only one hour per day and so on and other most visited web sites are needed to make these restrictions too. As about Internet providers they have to put some points in contracts such as forbiddance using web sites whether contain bad maintenance as if the person violated those points, he or she would be charged. Also those people who globally work in World Wide Web need to create a tremendous project for banning more web sites with bad content, starting from local level and finally complete in world one. The great advantage is that there is no way to violate the contract between Internet providers, if somebody wants to have an internet access at home, so it is necessary to follow the points and rules which are in contract in this situation people cannot visit web sites which are full of bad content. The second splendid advantage is that teens from age 12 to 18 cannot use social networks completely, it will totally bring a positive impact on them, and perhaps teenagers will have different attitudes and way of living. More likely they will be more interested in other activities. And the third explicit advantage, if there was going a global project of banning web sites, there would not to be a lot of bad content, and teenagers without any parent’s hesitations could use networks all the time, because there is nothing to be concern of. The disadvantage is that Internet providers will not make those types of contracts, as it will cause deficient number of people who will use Internet. Another one is that that project of banning web sites might be very expensive as it needs a lot of moderators who is supposed to get paid for the work as well as nobody is really confident that all banned sites would utterly stop to work and maybe once again, when this project will stop to work all banned web sites will get fixed and start their working again. This solution has more possibility to solve this issue. All specialist will work on this direction and only. As well as children won’t have any opportunities to use Internet more than they use in reality. Actions, which will be given by moderators and Internet workers, will be explicit and beneficial.

Even though, parents can work with children up-bring more than any of those moderators, but the second solution is better than first one because it has advantages which interested people can implement them into reality. Also I recommend all the World Wide Web workers, moderators and other interested people to consider these solutions and implement them. Meanwhile, I suggest moderators immediately to work hard at the field of banning web sites with bad content so this way teenagers would not get more addicted to internet.




American School and University (Sep2011) teens who use social networking sites more likely to smoke, drink. Vol. 84 Issue 1, p58-58, 1/3p

Alice G. Walton (2012) Internet Addiction Is The New Mental Health Disorder Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2012/10/02/the-new-mental-health-disorder-internet-addiction/

Aviv Weinstein and Michel Lejoyeux (2012) Internet addiction Vol. 36 Issue 5, p277-283, 7p

How many people use interment 2013. (2011, May 13). Retrieved from http://exploredia.com/how-many-people-use-internet-2013/


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