full-time students ['ful taim s'tju:dents]
| студенты очного отделения
| күндізгі бөлім студенттері
part-time students ['pa:t taim s'tju:dents]
| студенты заочного отделения
| сырттай бөлім студенттері
civil engineering ['siv(ə)l end dʒ i:'niəriŋ]
| гражданское строительство
| азаматтық құрылыс
environmental engineering
[invaiə r(ə)n'ment(ə)l en dʒ i:'niəriŋ]
| инженерная экология
| инженерлық экология
department [di'pa:tmənt]
| факультет
| факультет
scientific [saiən'tifik]
| научный
| ғылыми
freshman ['freʃmən]
| первокурсник
| 1 курс студентi
post-graduate students [pɔst gradju:eit stju:dents]
| студенты магистратуры
| магистратура бөлім студенттері
curriculum [kə'rikjələm]
| учебный план
| оқу жоспары
4. 1. Retell the topic “Our academy”.
2. Write and learn a topic "My impressions about Academy" (6-7 sentences).
3. Learn the poem by heart:Stephen Grane “A man saw a ball of gold in the sky”.
1. Revision of Past Participles, exercises p.78-79. [2]
2. Lexical and grammatical exercises on CD. [3]
1. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File. English Course: Elementary Student`s Book + Cassette. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, p.141.
2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File. English Course: Elementary Workbook with keys. + Cassette. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, p.78-79.
3. CD обучающие программы Cambridge University для I уровня.
4. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson, New English File Elementary, Teacher’s book, Oxford University Press 2010, p. 129.
5. Молдабаева М.К., Мангазина Ж.Р., Адильбаева У.Б. Методическая разработка устных тем для всех специальностей бакалавриата (1-2 курс), Алматы, 2007, p.7-8.
Discipline: English as a foreign language
| Credits:2
Elementary level
| Practical lesson
Lexical theme: My impression about the first term.
Grammatical theme: Revision.
Teacher: assistant professor Moldabayeva M.K.
Tongue twisters
First, divide the class in 2 teams, then the teacher says a word or a tongue twister for the students to spell. Students should spell these correctly with not even one mistake. The team that has more points is the winner.
Four fine fish for you.
Six silly sisters selling shiny shoes.
Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards.
A big black bug bit black dog on his big black nose.