Seminar No I Style and stylistics
1. The notion of stylistics as a branch of general linguistics. Types of stylistics and fields of investigation. The connection of stylistics with other branches of linguistics. 2. The main stylistic notions: style, norm, form, text, context, speech, writing, expressive means, stylistic devices, image. 3. Phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic expressive means of language. 4. Phonetic, lexical and syntactic stylistic devices. 5. Practical assignment. Literature recommended 1. Мороховский А. Н., Воробьева О. П. и др. Стилистика английского языка. - К., 1991. - С. 7-26.
2. 3. Кузнец М. Д., Скребнев Ю. М. Стилистика английского языка. -Л., 1960.-С. 3-9. 4. Galperin I. R, Stylistics. - Moscow, 1981. -P. 9-35. 5. Maltzev V. A. Essays on English stylistics. - Minsk, 1984. - P. 4—15.