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EXERCISES IN LEXICOLOGY. Ex. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences, using the prefix ",w-" „tilth the words in bold type according to the model.

Ex. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences, using the prefix ",w-" „tilth the words in bold type according to the model.

Model: 1) He went on a holiday and didn't do his work.

He went on a holiday leaving his work undone.

2) You'd better not lock the door.

You'd better leave the door unlocked.

1. He can't have gone away without settling his affairs. 2. She rose from the table never touching her dinner. 3. He never answered my let­ters. 4. You'd better not cover the table, it looks nice as it is. 5. Some things are better not said. 6. The poet died never finishing the poem. 7. The secretary forgot to sign the papers.


Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with the verbs "unload, unpack, untie, unbut­ton, undo" in the correct form.

1. The passengers stood watching the luggage... from the luggage car and put on the truck. 2. On receiving a new package of books the librarian got down to... them. 3. The man... the collar and felt much better. 4. What is done cannot be.... 5. The child's fingers were stiff with cold, he had trouble in... the scarf.


Ex. 9. Paraphrase the following sentences using a noun with ihe suffix "-ity, -ty" instead of an adjective. Make other necessary changes.

Model: It is not at all necessary to set out so early.

There is no necessity in setting out so early.

1. With the rush of tourists it was hardly possible to reserve a room in a hotel. 2. He may come, but I am not quite certain. 3. The foreman spoke in authoritative tones. 4. What is your secretary responsible for? 5. The young engineer looks an able man. There is no denying it. 6. They are safe now. 7. How many cars does your plant produce a year? 8. There is no denying that your friend is an honest man.


Ex. 10. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meaning.

register, select, convention, dentist, authority, nicotine, ootential, scene, gesture, companion, special, reputation, colleague, fortune, mus­cles, guarantee.


Ex. 11. Give the meaning of the phrasal verbs and the corresponding nouns.

1. The new arrivals lined up at Reception. Almost at once several of them left the line-up and went to have a cup of coffee at the coffee bar. 2. His car was held up by the traffic and the wait seemed endless. As he was to find out the hold-up had been caused by an accident in one of the by-streets. 3. The plane took off beautifully. The crowd that had gathered to watch the take-off cheered. 4. The delegation walked out of the conference. The walk-out was later described by the papers as the only possible course of action the delegation could have taken under the circumstances. 5. The actress made up her face and the make-up changed her beyond recognition.


Ex. 12. Translate the following into English, using a suitable phrasal verb from the list below, and making any necessary changes.

L і s t: put off (2); put down (2); put up with; put up (at); put on; put away; put aside; put back;

1. Разговор пришлось отложить до более подходящего случая. 2. Он отказывался мириться с небрежным отношением к работе со стороны кого бы то ни было. 3. Она записала только те фамилии и адреса, которые могли ей понадобиться в дальнейшем. 4. Приехав в город, он решил остановиться в гостинице. 5. Сразу было видно, что все ее равнодушие напускное. 6. Неудача не обескуражила молодого ученого. 7. За несколько лет ему удалось скопить (отложить) необходимую сумму денег для покупки автомашины. Ему всегда хотелось иметь машину. 8. Перечитав старые письма, она снова убрала их. 9. Пролистав книгу и не найдя нужных сведений, я поставила ее обратно на полку. 10. Брось книгу и займись делом.


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