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EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 4. Study the following preposition phrases; a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text

Ex. 4. Study the following preposition phrases; a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, and b) use them in sentences of your own.

third in line; select from; glance at; lean forward (across smth); with authority; lead to; check in/out; with the help of smth/smb; gesture smb to a chair; apologize for; hold out one's hand; see for oneself; from the look of smb/smth; a good deal of; a paper/report on smth/smb; look for­ward to; by the way; the pleasure of introducing smb to smb; think of; pat on the shoulder; put up (at)


Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

A. 1. The management had another clerk to help the receptionist check... the new arrivals and check... the old guests. 2. He was last... a long line, and... the look... it he was unlikely to get a good seat... the show. 3. The sign... the doctor's reception room read: "Admission... request only." 4. His recent paper... the new developments... den­tistry was a sensation. 5. Selecting a book... a pile... front... him the librarian held it...... the boy: "Here, that's what you want." 6. I see no cause... his displeasure, the matter was settled... his own terms. 7. The assistant manager has no authority... matters that have to do... accommodation, you'd better speak... the manager. 8. As far as I know him, he'd rather put...... a hotel. 9. People might offer you half a stamp-collection... exchange... this one stamp. 10. If they are really concerned... his future and want him to be prepared... the hardships of life, they shouldn't make things too smooth... him 11. He spoke... such assurance that we couldn't but believe him. 12. The young actress was nervously waiting... the wings... her turn to go... the stage. 13. He held... a thin hand that I shook, then gestured... a chair: "Please, sit...." 14. She leaned far...... the window... an effort to see the leaving car. 15. They were late... the show as their taxi was held...... the heavy traffic... the afternoon rush. 16. Everybody must have noticed how em­barrassed she was... the unexpected question. 17. You'd better not ap­proach him, he's concerned... a difficult problem that needs all his at­tention. 18. She only seems stiff... manner but she is the dearest person, when you come to know her closer. 19. The nights... the mountains may be very cold, so you'd better take something suitable... cold weather, too.

B. There are well over 12 million Negroes... the U.S.; that is, more than the whole population... Canada. Almost 10 million... them live... the so-called Southern States.

There is segregation... the South.... buses the front seats are reserved... white men, Negroes sit... the back.... every train there are Jim Crow cars, cars reserved... Negroes, usually just behind the engine so that they should get a fair amount... smoke, while the rest... the train is reserved... white passengers. Negroes are excluded... restaurants, hotels, cinemas, hospitals and many other public places. They are ex­cluded... many shops and even when the white owner accepts their mon­ey he doesn't allow them to try... hats, suits and gloves.

... the North there are no Jim Crow cars and Negroes are often em­ployed together... white people, usually doing rough, underpaid jobs. But they are unable to get an apartment anywhere except... Harlem.

They have to pay fantastic prices... a room... the overcrowded slums, they cannot hire rooms... hotels. The owner... a restaurant will say... a Negro that all the tables are reserved, or if a Negro succeeds... finding a place, he will instruct his waiter not to serve him. If he allowed a Ne­gro to eat... his place, he would lose many white clients.

During the war, the Negroes were allowed to serve... the U.S. armed forces, but they served in separate units and lived... separate barracks. The only exception... the segregation rules was that German and Jap­anese bullets were not marked: "... Whites Only."

(after "How to Scrape Skies" by G. Mikes)


Ex. 6. Give the English for the following phrases, using the preposition "by" in its different meanings. Use the phrases in sentences of your own.

I. дом у реки; машина у ворот; касса у входа; стол у окна.

II. пройти мимо магазина; сидеть у костра; стоять возле кого-л; войти в дом через парадную дверь; проникнуть в помещение через окно.

III. а) судить по внешности; определить по акценту; узнать по голосу;

б) по праву; по интуиции; инстинктивно; по какому-л прин­ципу; по опыту; по привычке; по чьей-л теории; по моим часам; по закону.

IV. картина Репина; трагедия Шекспира; бумага, подписанная главой фирмы; кофе, экспортируемое Бразилией; работа, выполнен­ная от руки (вручную, машиной, силой ветра, водой, паром, при по­мощи дистанционного управления).

V. а) поездом; самолетом: автобусом; морем; по суше;

б) извещать письмом (телеграммой); посылать почтой; сооб­щать по радио; связаться по телефону (телеграфу);

VI. схватить за руку; потянуть за рукав; держать за плечо.

VII. врач по профессии; инженер по образованию.

VIII. случайно; по счастливой случайности; ошибочно.

IX. постепенно; шаг за шагом; страница за страницей; пункт за пунктом; день за днем; по одному.

X. к концу недели; к вечеру; к 20 мая.


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