The Exchange at the Reception Counter
Dr Nicholas: to walk in unconcernedly; to be third in line; to wait patiently for one's turn; to give one's name; to have a reservation; to be shocked by the refusal; to keep oneself in hand; to produce a letter from the hotel management confirming the reservation, not cancelling it; to try to prove one's point; not to accept the explanation; Clerk: to look up; to stiffen; to withdraw the registration pad; an embarrassing situation; to refuse to check smb in; to apologize; to shake one's head; to be firm; to follow the instructions; to allow smb to register at a hotel; strict rules concerning smb; to turn the case over to the assistant manager;
The Assistant Manager Takes Up the Matter to have no real authority; to handle minor problems posed by guests; an elderly man; an old-timer; to have a good deal of experience; to know one's job; to take on a professional greeter's smile; smoothly; without fuss; to remove a potentially embarrassing scene from centre stage into the wings; a smooth manner; to gesture smb to a seat; to attend to a matter; to offer to find other suitable accommodation; not to dare to disobey one's orders; to arrange for smb's speedy departure; to get rid of an unwanted guest; to offer to make inquiries; to lift the receiver; a list of telephone numbers;