— Could you tell me what the nickname of the State of Maine is?
(The nickname of the State of Maine is the «Pine-Tree State»)
— Do you know how people call New Hampshire? (People call New
Hampshire the «Granite State».)
— Could you tell me why South Carolina is called the «Palmetto
State»? (South Carolina is called the «Palmetto State» because the pal
metto grows abundantly in South Carolina.)
— Do you know why Virginia was called the «Mother of States
men»? (Virginia was called the «Mother of Statesmen» because many
statesmen were native Virginians.)
Student 2
— Could you tell me why Virginia has so many nicknames? (Vir
ginia has so many nicknames because it was the oldest British colony,
because it is the most northern of the South Atlantic States and because it
produced many statesmen and presidents)
— Do you know why Florida was called the «Land of Flowers»?
(Florida was called the «Land of Flowers» because Ponce de Leon, who
discovered Florida saw the region covered with flowers)
— Could you tell me what state is called the «Green Mountain
State»? (Vermont is called the «Green Mountain State»)
— Do you know because of what mountains West Virginia was
called the «Mountain State»? (West Virginia was called the «Mountain
State» because of the Allegheny Mountains)