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That's not entirely true. Это не совсем верно.
On the contrary… Наоборот, …
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but… Мне очень жаль не соглашаться с вами, но…
Yes, but don't you think… Да, но не думаете ли вы…
I'm afraid I have to disagree. Боюсь, что мне придется не согласиться.
I'm not so sure about that. Я не очень в этом уверен.
That's not the same thing at all. Но это совсем не одно и то же!
Nonsense! Чепуха!



Name: Zero Conditional
Rule: We use Zero Conditional for facts, or something that is always true. If it's a holiday, the store is closed. If people eat too much, they get fat.
Разн. в употр. нет.

1. Present Simple is used in the result sentence If you are happy, you smile. 2. You can use modals (can, should, might, must…) in the result sentence.
If the alarm goes off, we should leave the building.

If it’s rainy and sunny at the same time, you can often see a rainbow.

3. You can use the imperative in the result sentence to give instructions and commands that depend on a condition.

If you drink, don’t drive. If you go to London, have some fish and chips.




Special Features When can be used instead of if: If/When I shop online, I order shoes.


Name First Conditional
Rule: We use First conditional to talk about possible situations in the future and their consequences. If you step on my foot, it will hurt. (It’s a real possibility)
Structure: If-sentence 1. You can use any present tense in the if sentence (Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect) If you are looking for troubles, you'll find them. (сейчас) When you have finished the letter, I'll post it. Когда закончишь письмо, я его отправлю (подчеркиваем результат) Result sentence 1. You can use and any future form (Will, Going To, Future Perfect, Future Continuous) in this part. If I buy a sandwich I am going to eat it at once. 2. You can use modals and imperatives in the result sentence If she studies hard, she might get an A If you don't like the shoes, you can return them. If you have finished your test, go home
  NB: Zero and first conditionals are called 'real conditionals' because they talk about situations which are always true, or events which are possible or probable in the future.
Special Features 1. Note the difference between 0 and 1st conditional in the sentences below. If you sit in the sun, you get sunburn. (OC for a general situation. 'You' means anyone, or people in general.) If you sit in the sun, you 'II get sunburn. (1C for a specific situation. I'm talking to you (personally) about what will happen today.) 2. Unless has the meaning or 'if not' or 'except in this situation'.



1. Unless is used in conditional sentences with the meaning 'except if' (если только не):

You can't travel on this train unless you have a reservation.

2. With unless we use present tenses when we talk about the future:

Unless it rains, I'll pick you up at six. (not Unless it will rain...)

3. In real conditional sentences, we can use either unless or if... not with a similar meaning

Unless the theatre is able to raise £100,000, it will have to close. or

If the theatre isn’t able to raise £100,000, it will have to close.

4. However, we use if … not but not unless

- when we say in the result sentence that an event or action in the if-sentence is unexpected:

I'll be amazed if Christie doesn't win.

- In questions: If you don't pass the test, what will you do?

- when the 'only if' meaning does not apply: She will be angry if I am not at home by 9 o’clock.


Name Second Conditional
Rule We use 2nd Conditionalsentences to talk about unreal conditions and their results. A condition and its result may be untrue, imagined, or impossible. If I had more time, I would read fairy tales to my children. ( But I don't have time, so I don't read fairy tales to my children.) The sentence can be about: a. the present If I lived in a palace now, I would give parties all the time. (But I don't live in a palace now, so I don't give parties all the time.) b. the future If I moved next month, I would buy new furniture. (But I'm not going to move next month, so I won't buy new furniture.)
Structure 1. NB1:The if sentence uses the Past Simple, but the meaning is not past. If I had more money now, I would take a trip around the world. NB2: Don't use would in the if sentence. NB3: Use were when the verb in the if sentence is a form of be. If I were King, I would make you Prime Minister. Some people use was with I, he, she, and it. However, many people think this is incorrect. 2. Use might or could in the result sentence if the result is not certain.   They’ve never been to Asia. If they took a trip, they might go to Japan. If they took a trip, they could go to Japan.
Name Third Conditional
Rule We use 3C to talk about past unreal conditions and their results. A condition and its result may be untrue, imagined, or impossible. # If he had died young, he wouldn't have had children. (But he didn't die young. so he had children.)

I wish

1. Use wish + Past Simple to talk about things you would like to be different in the present / future (but which are impossible or unlikely). Как жаль… Хотел бы я чтобы…

# Jack wishes he could speak English better

NB1: After wish you can use was or were with I, he, she, and it I wish I were taller. I wish I was taller!

2. Use wish + would/wouldn't to talk about things we want to happen, or stop happening because they annoy us.

# I wish the bus would come. I'm freezing.

NB2 You can't use would for a wish about yourself I wish I would…

3. Use wish + Past Perfect to express regret or sadness about things in the past that you wanted to happen but didn't.

# George wishes he had studied architecture. (He didn't study architecture, and now he thinks that was a mistake.)

Жаль, обидно, поменять отрицание на +

Джорджу жаль, что он не изучал архитектуру

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 444. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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