Communication Focus. Task 12. Collect the reports written by students as a home assignment
Task 12. Collect the reports written by students as a home assignment. Choose 5-6 students to present their reports in front of the class. Then organize the competition for the best advertisement they created at home. It’s up to the students of the group to decide which logo is the best. (You have 15 minutes for the whole activity) After the presentations you should collect the advertisements as well. All students’ works should be checked and commented on by you till the next lesson.
Task 13. Suggested answers: 1. proven authors, 2. alternative, 3. tremendous stress and waste lots of time, 4. give us your manuscript in Microsoft Word, 5. four things, 6. distribution channel, 7. dedicated support person, 8. on our services, 9. part or full money back refund, 10. quality of our services.
Task 14. Suggested answers: Australia, USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan and Malaysia.
Task 15. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book.
Task 16. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book. Task 17. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book. When students will try to guess what kind of literature these publishing companies publish the teacher should not say whether they are wrong or right because it will destroy the desire to check this information in the Internet that will be their home task. Task 18. After students will finish their logos you can organize a competition for the best one. It’s up to the students of the group to decide which logo is the best. (You have 5 minutes for the competition)
Task 19. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book. Task 20. Check Tasks 1-5 from the Workbook. Task 21. Before dividing into teams, the teacher should choose two students, who would be the representatives of the company, that offer individually designed paper production from very famous designers. And after the presentation they will decide which team they would choose and explain why.