Communicative Focus. Task 9. Collect the reports written by students as a home assignment for checking and grading
Task 9. Collect the reports written by students as a home assignment for checking and grading. Ask 3-4 students to present their reports. (The whole activity should not exceed 10 minutes). Teacher should hand out the reports written by students as a home assignment at the next class, checked and commented on by him/her.
Task 10. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book.
Task 11. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book.
Task 12. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book. Teacher should divide the whole class in two groups (Group A and Group B). After the presentation the presenter may be asked questions. The whole activity should not exceed 15 minutes.
Task 13. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book.
Task 14. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book.
Task 15. 1-b), 2-a), 3-b), 4-c), 5-a).
Task 16. Suggested answers: · main – basic, · impressive – effective, · correspond – match, · elegant – fancy, · graceful – genteel, · mixed – complex, · occasional – casual, · differentiate – distinguish. Task 15. To be organized exactly as stated in the Student’s Book. UNIT 7. BOOK STRUCTURE AND DESIGN WOOKBOOK Task 1. 1-g, 2-j, 3-e, 4-i, 5-h, 6-d, 7-b, 8-f, 9-c, 10-a.
Task 2. 1) title page, 2) foreword/preface, 3) bibliography, 4) copyright page, 5) contents page.
Task 3. 1. glossary, 2. contents page, 3. copyright page, 4. title page, 5. bibliography, 6. title page, 7. foreword/preface, 8. contents page. MODULE 4 UNIT 8. DRAWING AND PAINTING STUDENT’S BOOK