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London Museums and Art Galleries

G Active Vocabulary:

a fortress – фортеця; a manuscript – рукопис; contemporary – сучасний; armour – лати; twofold – подвійний; garrison – гарнізон; custody – зберігання.

The best London museums and art galleries are in the West End.

The British Museum in Russel Square comprises the National Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, the richest collection of prints and drawings and the National Library. It was founded in 1753 and opened to the public on the 15th of January, 1759. The Library of the British Museum is one of the largest collections of books and manuscripts in the world.

The National History Museum in Cromwell Road is the home of the national collections of animals and plants, and of minerals and rocks from which the Earth is built up. It has a twofold function: to increase man’s knowledge of the animal, plant and mineral Kingdom as an institution for scientific research, and to spread knowledge of natural history as widely as possible.

The Tower of London was once a fortress. Kings of England, when the battle turned against them, often found safety in the Tower. From Norman days the Tower had been a state prison; it had been a place of torture and execution. Continuously from the 11th century the Tower has held a military garrison. Arms and armour have always been stored there and today it contains the National Collection of them. Nowadays the Tower is a museum visited by tourists. As it was the strongest fortress in the land, the safe custody of the Crown jewels has been entrusted to it since the time of Henry III.

The National Gallery offers a wonderful variety of pictures. Everyone can find some kind of picture to enjoy. It was opened to the public in 1824 and in 1836 after series of troubles the collection of pictures of the National Gallery was established at Trafalgar Square.

The Tate Gallery from the very beginning was intended as a collection of contemporary British painting only. It became the national collection of British painting of all periods, and in addition – the national collection of modern foreign painting and of modern sculpture, both British and foreign.

The Science Museum exhibits machinery, scientific instruments and devices for research and educational purposes.

Вправа 2. Згадайте, в якому музеї знаходяться такі об’єкти:

1) the collection of the Crown jewels; 2) the collection of prints and drawings; 3) the collection of pictures; 4) the collection of books and manuscripts; 5) the collection of contemporary British painting; 6) the collection of animals, plants and minerals; 7) the collection of arms and armour; 8) the collection of machinery and scientific instruments.


20.4. Граматика. Модальні дієслова must, should, ought to, need та їхні еквіваленти на позначення необхідності, обов’язку, поради тощо

MUST Обов’язок
You must respect your parents.Ви повинні поважати своїх батьків. You must not go there.Не можна ходити туди. Must I learn it by heart?Чи повинен я вивчити це напам’ять?
Припущення (мабуть, напевно)
It must be cold outside.Напевно, на вулиці холодно.


ТО HAVE TO (Еквівалент дієслова MUST)
I have to go there. Мені треба туди йти. I don’t have to go there. Мені не треба йти туди.
I had to go there. Мені довелось піти туди. I didn’t have to go there. Мені не довелось йти туди.
I will have to go there. Мені доведеться піти туди. I won’t have to go there. Мені не доведеться йти туди.
Do you have to go there?Вам треба йти туди? Did you have to go there?Вам довелось йти туди? Will you have to go there?Вам доведеться йти туди?


SHOULD, OUGHT TO Порада, рекомендація (слід, краще)
You ought to be more attentive.Вам слід бути більш уважними. You should water these plants.Вам слід полити ці рослини.



NEED? Needn’t Чи треба? Не треба
Need I learn this poem by heart? Мені треба вчити цей вірш напам’ять? You needn’t come so early.Вам не обов’язково приходити так рано.

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