1. There are ___ universities in Britain. 2. Oxford University was founded in the ___ century. 3. Oxford & Cambridge Universities are often called collectively ___. 4. To enter a university it is necessary to have good results of ___ exams in at least ___ subjects. 5. You can receive the Degree of Bachelor after ___ years of study. 6. Some of higher educational institutions offer full-time and ___ courses (for working students). 7. The Open University has a ___ system and is particularly designed for adults who missed the opportunity to study earlier.
21.4. Граматика. Модальні дієсліва з Perfect Infinitive
(певно, можливо)
+ Perfect Infinitive
(have + Participle II)
| Our engineer must have repaired this device.
Певно, наш інженер вже відремонтував цей прилад.
may, might
| Не may have returned home already.
Можливо, він вже повернувся додому.
could, might
(міг би)
| They could have done it themselves.
Вони могли б зробити це й самі.
(слід було)
| You should have helped him.
Вам слід було допомогти йому.
(не треба було, можна було й не)
| They needn’t have got up so early.
Їм не треба було вставати так рано. (Їм можна було й не вставати так рано.)
(не може бути, що)
| They can’t have finished this experiment.
Не може бути, щоб вони закінчили цей експеримент.
can (?)
| Can he have done it himself?
Невже він зробив це сам?