Вправа 4. Перекладіть рідною мовою.
1. He must have translated that article yesterday. 2. They must have forgotten all about it. 3. The discussion must have been very interesting. It’s a pity I could not stay. 4. The students may have translated these articles last month. 5. They may have returned home already. 6. My friend may have left two days ago. 7. They could have taken their exam in English yesterday. 8. She could have arrived some days ago. 9. He might have left his book in some other place. 10. She might have come if you had asked her. 11. I should have done it before. 12. You should have translated those articles long ago. 13. You could have informed me in time. 14. A specially designed computer should have been used in the equipment of the meteo probe. 15. You might have known that to stop the flow of electricity you have to use a switch. 16. The article should have been translated long ago, where is the translation? Вправа 5. Перефразуйте речення як показано у зразку: Perhaps he has forgotten the rule. – He may (must) have forgotten the rule. 1. Perhaps you left your umbrella in the bus. 2. Perhaps he made his report last week. 3. Perhaps it was Helen who rang you up. 4. Perhaps they came by plane. 5. Perhaps she had a very good English teacher. 6. Perhaps the device broke because of short circuit. 7. Probably a virus damaged our files. 8. Possibly they did not see us in the crowd. 9. Perhaps Robert used a dictionary. 10. Possibly Mary misunderstood you. 11. Perhaps Tom has already passed his exam.
21.5. Домашнє завдання