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Endings (AmE)


When you know the name of the recipient:

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss von Trotta.

Note: in AmE Mr., Mrs., and Ms include a full stop/ period, e.g. Mr. von Trotta


When you don’t know the name of the recipient:

Dear Sir or Madam (BrE)

Dear Sir or Madam: (AmE)

4 – Date

5 - Heading

Body of latter

It is good idea to put the main point at the beginning of the letter. People read the first paragraph carefulli, but not always everything else.


Use the pronoun we when writing for your company. This is more formal than I.


Endings (BrE)

When you know the nameof the recipient:

Yours sincerely

When you don’t know the name of the recipient:

Yours faithfully

Endings (AmE)

Yours truly,



8 - Sign the letter with both first and second names.

9 - Then print your name and position under the signature.


A. Work in pairs. Read the advertisement for a job. What is the job? Where is it?

THE OXFORD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL wants a receptionist · Do you like working with people? · Can you speak two foreign languages? · Can you use a computer? · Do you know Oxford well? Please write to: Anne Watson, Director The Oxford International School 16 College Street, Oxford 0X2 7PT or email: awatson@oxfordint.co.uk


B. Carol is interested in the job. Read the information about her. Do you think she is the right person for the job?


Name Carol Barnes
Address 4 Hope Road, Oxford OX6 5PP
Present job Tourist guide
Last job Hotel receptionist
Languages French, Spanish



C. Look at the Carol’s letter and complete it with the information from her chart.


Anne Watson, Director 4 Hope (1)___________

1 The Oxford International School Oxford OX6 5PP

16 College (2) ______________

Oxford OX2 7PT


2 19 August Paragraph 1* Introduction


3 Dear Ms. Watson,


I am interested in job of (3)_______ in your school.


I (4) __________ years old and I (5)__________ in Oxford. At the moment

I (6)___________ guide, but last year I (7) __________ a hotel receptionist.

I (8)___________ working with people very much and I (9)________speak

Two (10)__________, French and a little Spanish. I can also (11)_______a

Computer. I (12)________ born in Oxford, so I know it very well.



I look forword to hearing from you. Paragraph 2 *

The main part of the letter



4 Yours sincerely


5 Carol Barnes, Paragraph 3* Ending



1) The name and addess of the person you are writing to goes here.

2) The date goes here.

3) We use Ms., Miss or Mrs for a woman. We use Mr for man.

4) We end a formal letters with Yours sincerely.

5) Sign the letter and print your name.


D. Read this advertisement for another job. What is the job? Answer the questions about you. Now write a similar letter to Carol's.


Happy Holidays want TOURIST GUIDES

· Are you over 18?

· Do you like talking to people?

· Do you know your town well?

· Can you speak English?

· Are you free from July to September?


Please write to: Peter Mann, Happy Holidays, Central Office, 89 Brook Street, LONDON W1 5PW


Part 1. Emails – basics



Marija Novak is looking for a job through an online recruitment agency. She sends an email with her CV and a few comments:


Dear Sir or Madam

I'm writing: with regard to job vacancy ref. no. LON009627 on your website. As requested, I attach my CV

l feel confident that my skills and achievements are a very good fit for this job profile.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Marija Novak


A recruitment consultant replies:


Dear Marija

Thank you very much for sending your CV. We will look through it carefully and contact you again if necessary.

Please be aware that the job market is extremely competitive and that we receive many applications for our vacant positions.

If I can offer any further advice or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Lotte Mueller


The emails above use polite, formal language. Compare them with the emails between Marija and a friend.



1 Hi, I hope you're well,

2 This is just a quick note to ask for some help. I've been applying for jobs in London using online agencies, but I've had no luck at all. They just send back these standard emails - it's really depressing,

3Anyway, I was wondering if you could help me? I thought you might know of some London recruitment agencies that have jobs in the finance area Can you send me some names? I'd really appreciate it.

4 Thanks for your help

5 Best wishes to Tessa




Hi Marija. great to hear from you again I'm fine-just got back from vacation in Morocco. Amazing!

Anyway, thanks for your email, I'm happy to help - I'll ask a few people and try to think of some agencies you could try

Shall I also send you a copy of the London 'Yellow Pages' in the mail? Sometimes it's better than online - it's very comprehensive and lists loads of agencies and other information all in one place.

Good luck with the job hunting!



These last two emails are friendly and informal, but note how Marija starts paragraph 3 of her email to Steven - she uses polite, formal language with her friend because she's asking for a favour.


The phrases you need   More formal     More informal
First line Dear Sir or Madam / Dear (name) Hi... /(just the name)/(nothing at all)
Friendly open It was a great pleasure to meet you in... How's it going? / 1 hope you're well Great to hear from you again!
Previous contact Thank you very much for sending … Further to our earlier conversation, … Thanks for your email. Following your call…
Reason for writing I'm writing with regard to... I'm writing to find out more information about… This is just a quick note to say / ask for... Re your email below,..
Request 1 was wondering if you could.. 1 would he grateful if you could.... Please... Can you...?
Offer help Would you like me to...? If you wish, 1 would be happy to... Shall 1...? Do you want me to..?
Final comments If 1 can offer any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. If you need any more information, just let me know. Just give me a call if you have any questions.
Friendly close 1 look forward to hearing from you. Give my regards to... See you soon, / Thanks for your help. Good luck with... / Best wishes to...
Last line Yours sincerely / Kind regards / Best wishes Best wishes / All the best / (just the name)


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2106. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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