Email 1 Subject:Specifications for power packs I visited your stand at the Energy Trade Fair in Hanover and was impressed by your range of power packs based on fuel cell technology. I picked up a brochure at the fair, and would now like some more detailed technical specifications for your range of fuel cells for small handheld devices. In particular, I would like to know about power packs suitable for a portable DVD player. Please send details of size, energy output, etc. I look forward to hearing from you. Email 2 To:Dan Bailey Subject:info re power packs Thank you for your email. I'm attaching a document that gives full details of our range of power packs Can I draw your attention to models FC68 and FC 72? These would be ideal for a small handheld device. i would welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs m more detail. May I suggest that I call you in a day or two? In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions. My direct tine is given below. Best wishes
The person writing email 2 will be a sales consultant, and they use the enquiry as a chance to enter into a sales dialogue. After further telephone conversations and entails the customer now places an order: