Answer the questions to check your comprehension.
1) What is an object for this study? 2) When did biochemistry become so successful at explaining living processes? 3) What is the main focus of pure biochemistry? 6.A) Prepare a report about the role of biochemistry in modern life. Include the following ideas: • What is biochemistry? • What is bimolecular and what is its importance • Biochemical techniques and its importance • The application of biochemistry in modern life B) Be ready to tell your report to your class. 7. Give definition of words: Metabolism – … Protein – …….. Enzyme-catalyzed reaction – ……. Nucleic acid – …….. Biopolymer – ………. Find the worlds from the previous exercise in the following table.
Study additional notions concerning biochemistry and explain them. Chromotography Coomassie dye Electrophoresis Peptides ELSA IgG Enzyme Isoelectric point Centrifuge Peptin Polyacrylamide gel Distillated water