Студопедия — Lead-in. Part 1. General Overview
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Lead-in. Part 1. General Overview

Unit 2 Cinema

Part 1. General Overview


"Imagine their delightful surprise when I read them the script of Love and Death with its plot that went from war to political assassination, ending with the death of its hero caused by a cruel trick of God. Never having witnessed eight film executives go into cardiac arrest simultaneously, I was quite amused."

Woody Allen, Esquire, 1975

1 How much art is there in your life? Below you see a diagram with things which generally come under the heading of "the arts". Number the genres in the order of their importance to you, that is, how much they are represented in your life. Share a few comments about where you come across each of them.

novels drama     dance cinema theatre
biographies poetry       opera concerts
    painting FINE ARTS sculpture    
    architecture   ceramics    


2 Coming closer to the topic of films, you are requested to specify your interest in TV. Which of the following programme types appeal to you most and what is wrong about those you don't like?

documentaries soap operas drama sports programmes game shows
news broadcasts quizzes chat shows weather forecasts variety shows
current affairs programmes sitcoms feature films music programmes commercials

3 Finally, talk about the last feature film that you saw. Say how much you enjoyed it, which aspects you liked most and where the movie failed. The vocabulary below may be helpful.


a an a lot of plenty of a number of absorbing film insight into plot acting photography direction moments climax costumes soundtrack sets score a an a few some a lot of plenty of a number of exceptionally tedious film look at life story-line performance by camerawork direction script dialogue quality shots characters
Fascinating agonisingly slow
well thought-out boring
brilliant chaotic
Superb exceedingly poor
Delicate amateurish
Dazzling awful
powerful heavy-handed
thoroughly enjoyable embarrassingly weak
memorable horribly unnatural
gorgeous absurd
grandiose laughable
ravishing worthless
totally satisfying totally disappointing

4 You are about to listen to a few viewers' comments on the film American Beauty. People's attitudes vary, and so do the criteria the film is assessed upon. As you listen, mark those aspects that the viewers point out. Put a plus (+) if that is viewed as a strong point and a minus (-) if the film underrates upon that particular criterion. To sum up, conclude what turned out to be the film's most appreciated points and what was left basically unnoticed or was absent, based exclusively on what you hear.

Contributors Real characters, with real world problems Ingenuity of the Story Humour Cast & Performances Direction Work on Many Levels Blend of genres Work on Emotions Film's Message Gives Role Models for Youth & Recipes Characters Quality of Script & Dialogue Memorable Scenes Symbolism Other

5 Remember a film of your choice and say if it meets the above criteria. Consider the vocabulary tips from the listening exercise.

the script is too far-fetched a totally disarming film
attempt at psychological profile presented as a documentary
you leave with bittersweet taste is more cartoon than genuine
the deadpan humour cast does very fine jobs
I can't remember a more satisfying film passages are thick and rich on symbolism
Everything about this movie oozes class has original cinematic spark
strikingly original comes up with new angles and answers
has this strange effect on you it revolves around
I felt a million different emotions in the vein of
combines tragedy with comedy characters are as deep as cereal bowls
moment that might make film history characters are one-dimensional
opens our eyes a film for my Oscar choice


Chosen Film Real characters, with real world problems Ingenuity of the Story Humour Cast & Performances Direction Work on Many Levels Blend of genres Work on Emotions Film's Message Gives Role Models for Youth & Recipes Characters Quality of Script & Dialogue Memorable Scenes Symbolism Other (Special effects, Based on Real Events, Historical Background)


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 452. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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