Exercises. 27 Transcribe the following words from the passages above to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication.
27 Transcribe the following words from the passages above to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication. defied, heir, behest, stature, tenuous, susceptible, chagrin, emperor, fugitive, faux, veracity, albeit 28 Work out three lists of words contained in the review under the categories as follows:
29 Explain the meanings and give examples of usage of the following words from the text above. Use the chart below.
Spoof, slapstick, caper, mayhem, tagline, defy, fuel(v.), lust(v.), twisted, stature, susceptible, eat away at, chagrin, move(as used in the text), rousing, grisly, fluid(adj.), stoic, whirlwind, machination, brisk, graphic, veracity, flair, thrall 30 Translate the sentences using the words from the previous exercise. 1. Я йшов у кіно з надією побачити справжню драматургію образів і аж ніяк отой фарс. 2. Море руйнувало цю скелю протягом мільйонів років 3. Мене змусила відкрити скриньку допитливість. 4. Команду захоплено зустріли вболівальники. 5. Вона все розповідала нам про її акторську гру в найяскравіших подробицях. 6. Попри всю свою популярність він не вражає акторською майстерністю. 7. Цей фільм задумувався як пародія фільму жахів у відповідь на численні стрічки жахів, які заполонили великий екран. 8. Герої фільмів про крадіжки та пограбування часто несуть спотворену мораль. 9. Страшно й подумати, що я міг би її запросити в кіно на фільм про вбивства з насиллям. 10. А ідея та ж сама: "Тіло вмирає, а слава розквітає". 11. Дані повідомлення дали привід для чуток про королівське одруження. 12. На конференції вона познайомилася з вченим міжнародної величини. 13. До певних захворювань діти більш вразливі, а ніж дорослі. 14. На мій превеликий жаль, витівка не вдалася. 15. Це була безлюдна вулиця з темними та зловісними будинками. 16. Вони мужньо тримали оборону протягом шести днів. 17. Після виборів стали відомі нові політичні махінації. 18. У мене немає сумнівів у правдивості твоєї розповіді. 19. Вона перебувала у полоні фільму з його першої сцени до появи титрів. 20. Я вам нічого не можу відповісти, бо ситуація все ще й досі непевна. 21. Я мотався півднем країни, в коловороті справ. 22. Це був веселий, жвавий юнак, зовсім нещодавно з Оксфорду. 23. Герой нехтує погрозами і докладає зусиль, щоб врятувати людей. 24. Дикі простори західних теренів освоювались людьми, що марили золотом і прагнули розбагатіти. 25. Тільки хтось із збоченим розумом міг спланувати такий злочин. 31 Read the comments on the same film, this time made by laymen (nonpros). Study the language of the passages. Copy the chart that follows after the text into your notebooks, define the criteria that you would establish for the assessment of an action film. Note the film's strengths and weaknesses and prepare for discussions. <Great Story! Great Writing! Great Acting! Great Directing! Great Score! This movie has it all. I especially enjoyed the mood of the film. Even though it has a lot of action, there is a subtle elegance throughout the picture that gives it great style. The movie flows effortlessly from scene to scene while at the same time creating wonderful intensity and nail-biting excitement. The acting in the movie more than lives up to expectations. Russell Crowe is brilliant in his role as Maximus. Crowe's intense style is perfect for the relentless determination and confidence of Maximus. Joaquin Phoenix is equally wonderful in his role as Commodus, the corrupt emperor. He plays a great villain because he is able to give Commodus depth by showing certain vulnerable or fragile sides, while at the same time instantly transforming to let the ruthless nature of his volatile character shine. It also helps that Joaquin has the classic Caesar looks that work perfectly with his role. Gladiator is filled with many memorable moments that one would need to see more than once to fully appreciate. The excitement felt for me when Rome is first shown in all its wonder and marvel is my favorite scene. Hans Zimmer provides the absolute perfect score to capture the different moods in the movie. I would recommend it to anyone who can stomach intensity and enjoy an epic story for the ages. Next to Braveheart, this movie is the greatest of all-time! <Completely untrue as far as history is concerned: Marcus Aurelius died from the plague, and he did give his power to his son Commodeus (who did not strangle him, why would he?). The plot is linear and predictable. We have a similar pattern in a number of films. Of course, the battle scenes are impressive, thanks to technology, but it does not make up for the paucity of the dialogue and the simplism of the screenplay. The "poetic" slow motion ending has been filmed so many times that one wonders why Scott could bother with such a rehash. <I thought they were making a movie about Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, two of the best emperors the Roman Empire ever had. But they made a movie about a non-existent General Maximus who is a mixture of Superman and Goofy. Most characters are flat including Maximus. The only redeeming qualities are a great Commodus by Joaquin Phoenix and the battle with the Germans. Commodus was called "the first among the Gladiators" and his twelve years of relatively peaceful reign helped the empire recover from his father's wars. Why does Hollywood have to ridicule history? This movie is a disgrace considering its plot and its message. <… Is it violent? Definitely. Is there decent drama to go along with the action? Most assuredly. Everyone in this movie gave a wonderful performance. I don't know if Russell Crowe should have won Best Actor, but he definitely should have been nominated. Joaquin Phoenix deserved the award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as a usurper of the throne of Rome who only becomes more evil as the film progresses, performing the most atrocious acts of tyranny. <While Gladiator has a brilliant photography, the poor psychology, the mediocre scenery and the bad editing turns the whole thing into an average flick with lots of visual effects to compensate the lack of substance. Sure, some scenes are very good. By that time almost forgotten by the cinephiles, Ridley has a lot of savoir-faire then and is able to make some very good shots just because he's fundamentally talented. <Sure, Russell Crowe was very good, the casting and costumes were great. The music was out of the world but the rest just fades in oblivion. The biggest disappointment for me was the poor character sketching. Where are the complex characters? Throughout the movie every character is just a good guy or a bad guy. Black or white. Where are the shades of grey, those mysterious characters that elevate drama to the next stage? The film scores mostly for the music and technical wizardry. Instead of Russell Crowe, watch his fellow Mel Gibson in the classic "Braveheart" for a truly complex and heart-rending epic. <Regarding to the movie's evident quality it does not need anymore words, as this year's Oscar nominations speak for themselves. Running to the Oscar ceremony as the clear favourite, Gladiator's final number of Oscars ended up being somewhat like a big disappointment (there were only five).