Студопедия — Additional Vocabulary Exercises. 58 Below is a list of cinematographic terms used in the industry
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Additional Vocabulary Exercises. 58 Below is a list of cinematographic terms used in the industry

58 Below is a list of cinematographic terms used in the industry. Match the terminology with appropriate definitions.


1. Acoustics a. Tryout of live voice, recording or other elements prior to final selection for the film.
2. Action b. (a) Music or other sound that is kept below the level of a speaker's voice; (b) scenery or setting for a scene; (c) the characters or objects appearing farthest from the camera.
3. Audition c. The movement of the subject within the camera field of view. Also, such movement as represented on film.
4. Background d. A fairly tight shot of the performer or the subject matter. In small-studio parlance, this would refer to the head of a performer. An extreme close-up might mean a selected portion of the face, such as the eyes.
5. Close-up e. Titles of acknowledgement for story, sets, direction, etc.
6. Contingencies f. The study of sound reverberation[2] and absorption.
7. Credits g. Unforeseen situations, events, or circumstances that might delay the production schedule of the picture.



8. Dubbing h. One individual picture on a piece of motion picture film.
9. Editing i. The actual time it takes for the presentation of a given film or show.
10. Frame j. Theatrical abbreviation for "property", meaning any portable article used by performers in visual presentation.
11. Monochrome k. The general term used to describe the processes involved in making all the original material that is the basis for the finished motion picture.
12. Narration l. The addition of sound (either music or dialogue) to a visual presentation via a recording process, which prepares a complete sound track that can be transferred to, and synchronised with, the visual presentation.
13. Production m. The commentary for a film, spoken by an off-screen voice.
14. Prop n. The process of assembling, arranging, and trimming the desired shots and sound tracks to best advantage for the purpose at hand.
15. Running time o. Having shades of only one colour. refers to black-and-white pictures.
16. Scenery p. The portion of a length of film reserved for the sound record.
17. Script q. A term used to indicate the number of times a given shot has been made. Takes are usually numbered sequentially.
18. Set r. Written plan, action, narration and dialogue for an audio-visual presentation.
19. Shot s. A sound recording system with two or more sound tracks or channels, each of which is fed to an individual speaker.
20. Sound effect t. The specific identifiable group or groups of persons toward which a film is aimed.
21. Sound track u. Motion picture film material obtained from film libraries rather than shot specifically for a film production.
22. Stereophonic sound v. Scenery or other artificial background for motion picture production.
23. Stock footage w. (a) A single run of the camera; (b) the piece of film resulting from such a run.
24. Take x. A non-musical, non-vocal sound – frequently artificial – that is included in or added to an audio presentation for dramatic purposes.
25. Target audience y. Curtains, drapes, painted canvasses or other artificial background materials for visual studio recording.


59 Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the terms from the previous exercise.

1. We had to do six ________ for this particular scene. 2. The poster featured a few ________ from the film's most graphic scenes. 3. He failed the ________ for the part of the prince. 4. Then we took photos of the ________, from which we created a 3-D computer-generated model. 5. The camera focuses on the heroine in ________. 6. Saving Private Ryan was a co- ________ with Paramount. 7. The Dolby Surround has opened a new dimension for ________. 8. We need more ________, and less talk. 9. The film incorporates a good deal of ________ ________ to give it more historic veracity. 10. The plan envisaged all possible ________ that could disrupt the schedule. 11. Galton and Simpson wrote some excellent comedy ________. 12. In the ________ there were waiters hovering over the tables. 13. The film ends with a Celine Dion song over the end ________. 14. The hall has excellent ________.


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