Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
| labour market
| a
| availability of suitable human resources in a particular labour market
| labour cost
| b
| the amount of goods and services, or waste products, that are produced by
| a particular economy, industry, company, or worker
| labour supply
| c
| the system by which a company looks inside its own organization to find a
| suitable person for a senior job, instead of
| giving
| the job to someone
| from outside the company
| demand
| for
| d
| the cost of wages paid
| to workers during
| an accounting
| period on daily,
| labour
| weekly,
| monthly,
| or job basis, plus payroll and
| related
| taxes
| and benefits (if any)
| employment
| e
| a measure of
| the efficiency of a person, machine, factory,
| system,
| etc.,
| in converting inputs into useful outputs
| productivity
| f
| the need for employees and workers in a particular job market
| workforce
| g
| cost of using labor as opposed to cost of using capital or land
| staff
| h
| work that you are paid to do for a particular company or
| organization
| output
| i
| the nominal market
| in
| which workers
| find
| paying work,
| employers find willing workers, and wage rates are determined
| wages
| j
| total number of
| a country's population employed in the
| armed forces and
| civilian jobs, plus those unemployed people who are actually
| seeking paying work
| external
| k
| all the people who work for a particular company or organization, or
| labour market
| in a particular place
| internal labour
| l
| the system by
| which
| a company looks
| outside
| its
| market
| own organization to find a suitable person for
| a senior
| job,
| instead
| of
| giving the job to someone who is already working for the company at
| a lower level
| work
| m
| a person, company, or organization that employs people
| experience
| employer
| n
| the fact of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you
| have reached a particular age
| retirement
| o
| the jobs that someone has had, or the type of work they have done, in
| the past
| Ex.5. Make up verb+noun collocations (there may be several variants).
to acquire
| amount
| to affect
| buyers
| to allocate
| costs
| to analyze
| employers
| to attract
| employment
| to avoid
| employment opportunities
| to change
| goods and services
| to describe
| high wage
| to employ
| job
| to exceed
| market
| to expand
| occupation
| to introduce
| one‘s ability
| to keep
| one‘s decision
| to leave
| operations
| to limit
| regulations
| to move
| re-hiring
| to produce
| rules
| to reduce
| significant distance
| to retain
| something
| to secure
| term
| to seek
| time
| to subdivide
| training
| to ―trade-off‖
| wage
| to use
| workers
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