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Unit 6. Man and Nature

Part 1. Climate Change

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Industrial countries spewing out carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and gas, are the prime cause of global warming. The gases trap the sun's radiation at low levels, causing temperatures to rise. As they nose-to-tail their way to work every morning, few Westerners think about climate change. Soon, though, they might be forced to.

The threat that global warming poses was acknowledged by nearly all countries of the world when they gathered in the Japanese city of Kyoto in 1997 to draw up a comprehensive climate change treaty. Industrial nations agreed to reduce the emissions of six greenhouse gases by an average of 6 per cent from 1990 levels, and to complete the reductions between 2008 and 2012 - but in most countries releases are still rising.

1 Imagine the earth as a hotter place. Think of the likely benefits and troubles that global warming might cause. Consider the vegetation, animal life, ecological balance, rivers, woods, human activity. Also, consider the ideas below. Suggest whether the advantages or disadvantages would outweigh.

· Warmer winters will produce less ice and snow to torment drivers, facilitating commuting and making snow shovelling less of a chore. · Farmers could grow crops nearly all the year round. · Heavy rains could result in dangerous mudslides in mountainous regions. · Global warming would cause some ice at the North and South Poles to melt. Oceans would then rise at least a foot or two. Vast areas of dry land would end up underwater. Countries with very little high ground, like Bangladesh, would mostly disappear.
· Transportation would benefit generally from a warmer climate since road transport would suffer less from slippery or impassable highways. · You would harvest homegrown once-exotic tropical fruit. · Insects that carry tropical diseases like malaria would start to appear in places they've never been before. · Climate changes will affect the established economy structure and labour resources, leading to massive unemployment.
· You might be able to swim outside in October even if you lived up North. · There would be fewer colds and cold-related epidemics. · Expenditures for heating and cooling would be cut by about $12.2 billion annually. · Hurricanes and typhoons would become more powerful. Steppes would become replaced by deserts.

2 Trace a skeleton map of the UK onto a separate sheet of paper, then listen to a “climate forecast” for Britain. Jot down the climate information onto your map and mark the areas of concern. Afterwards, answer the comprehension questions.

a) Which way will British weather change?

b) Which part of the country is to become most affected by the sea?

c) What might be expected for the port of Immingham, in Lincolnshire?

d) What are the prospects for beach holidaymaking?

e) How will the new climate affect skiers?

f) How will the new weather patterns affect the farmers and agriculture?

g) What information is there for river authorities?


3 Look at the collocations that appeared in the climate forecast for Britain in the previous exercise. Recall, or consult the tapescript and give the context where they were used.

storm surges constant irrigation faces supply shortages
the Thames estuary move to earlier in the year soil moisture
faces a damaging storm surge away from the cooling effect deep depressions with high winds
for our children's sake bonuses for the tourist industry dump up to 35% more rain

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 660. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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