Exercise 37. Make adverbs from these adjectives.
simple brilliant remarkable delightful charming impressive powerful happy spectacular Exercise 38. Choose the correct adjective or adverb. I. 1 He thought it was a spectacular / spectacularly film. 2 It was extreme / extremely exciting. 3 The characters acted rather clumsy / clumsily. 4 The plot was particular / particularly far-fetched. 5 It’s got a fantastic / fantastically ending. 6 It’s one of the most remarkable / remarkably films I’ve ever seen.
II. 1 It was an incredible / incredibly thrilling film. 2 He was amazing / amazingly rich. 3 The special effects were spectacular / spectacularly. 4 The action was rather slow / slowly. 5 The acting was really funny / funnily. 6 It was terrible / terribly depressing.
Exercise 39. a) Say the sentences aloud. Use stress to emphasise your opinions . 1 It’s really amazing! 2 It’s an absolutely terrible film! 3 The ending is especially exciting! 4 The plot is particularly well-written. 5 The acting is simply appalling. 6 The music is extremely good.
B) Think of an example of a film for each phrase.
Exercise 40. Joe is talking to Linda about a film classic, “Casablanca”. A) Which adjectives from the exercises above does he use to talk about the following: the film, the plot, the acting, the ending?