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Peter Drucker.

5.1. Family Background.

Peter Drucker was born in 1909 in Austria, in a beautiful place called Vienna. His family was typical. He was a very intelligent man, very well in school, but he does not want to continue to live in Austria and moved to Germany in search of "new life".


5.2. Educational Background.

When he was 20 years of his article was first printed in magazines. He writes about the global economy. Later, in 1930 he moved to Frankfurt, where the journalist is arranged in a newspaper. In 1933 he moved to London and began working at the bank, but at night continues to write, but his works are getting worse and worse. In 1939 he published his book «The end of economic man», shortly before the Second World War. Winston Churchill was reading this book was ecstatic.


5.3. Accomplishments/ Business Ideas.

In 1930, Peter and Doris Drucker moved to America where he finds work in a teacher college. But his success was waiting, as in 1943 he was called top managers of the company GM - Donaldson Brown, who explained that they have read his book and were very interested with his ideas. A little later, Drucker began working at GM. It was Drucker back in 1940 with the idea of ​​decentralization, which has become a fundamental principle of almost all large organizations around the world. In 1950 he first came to the conclusion that the workers and employees should be considered an asset of the company and not a burden, who must quickly get rid of. Again in 1950 he first presented himself as a corporation, a community of people that are built on trust and respect for employees, and not as a machine for the extraction of profit. For that won the Japanese worship.


Again in 1950 he was the first to show that "without the customer has no business" - a simple conclusion, which gave impetus to the birth of a new thinking in marketing. In 1960, much earlier than everyone else, he asserted the priority of essence to the outside, a systematic approach to the role of charismatic cult leaders. Later it was Drucker wrote about the role of the so-called «knowledge workers» - long before it became clear that the key to the "new economy" - is knowledge. But the main development Drucker were three elements that form the basis for his theory of the business.


The first element - the representation of the organization of the social environment, society and its structure, market, consumer and technology. The second - a representation of a particular (singular) the organization's mission. The third element - of the key features of the company or a tap expertise (core competencies) - set of features that determine the competitive advantages necessary to perform its mission. These three points are deceptively simple. Usually on the development of a clear, full and effective theory of the business takes years of hard work, reflection and experimentation. To succeed, the organization must work to develop and wear in their own way. Representations of the environment, the organization's mission and core competencies must be true. That is necessary to take into account changes in society, its structure, and accordingly to the needs and opportunities of consumers, and already, on this basis, in some way to develop and modify their business.


The concepts of these three elements must match. Perhaps it was the strongest feature of "General Motors", which determines the dominant position of the company for decades. The company was a wonderful mix of ideas about the market and to optimize the production process. In the mid-1920s the company decided that she also needed a completely new, hitherto unknown key features: financial control of the production process and the theory of capital allocation. The result is a modern cost accounting and the first rational process of allocating capital.


All employees of the organization must know and understand her theory business. It's easy to do at the initial stage of operation. However, with the gradual formation and its rise to success, more and more a tendency to assume a theory of business something taken for granted. Then in the organization appears some negligence, she begins to "cut corners". The company begins to do what seems appropriate, and not what is right. It ceases to think, ask questions. She remembers the answers, but forgets to ask questions. The theory of business is culture. However, culture is no substitute for discipline, and the theory of business - it is, above all, discipline.


The theory of business must be constantly monitored. It is not engraved in stone. It consists of assumptions about things that are in constant dynamics, movement - a society, markets, consumers, and technology. Thus, the theory itself should include the possibility of the business of change


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 381. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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