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Media Design Advertising

Marianne: Good morning everybody. My name is Marianne Reed, and I’m the managing director of Media Design Advertising here in New York. It’s great to finally meet face to face after speaking only on the phone. To begin with, I hope you won’t mind me saying something about our history. Our headquarters are in Milan, and this is our main branch outside Italy, with 22 more scattered around the States, Australia, Japan and of course, Europe. We have 2,300 employees altogether.

We’re very well-established company with many years of valuable experience. We’ve worked with many of the top names of the fashion, food and transport industries, though we specialize in media products. Over the years we’ve won numerous awards for our innovation approach to advertising, and just last year we won three prizes at the annual advertising media awards, both at a national level and internationally. I can honestly say that we’ve never had a dissatisfied client.

Well, if there are no questions…? I think we might as well get started then. I’d like to hand you over to our art director, Dave Terry.

Dave: Good morning. I’d like to start by showing you a few of the campaigns we’ve produced in the past couple of years, which seem to be in line with what you would like us to do for your newspaper. OK, so on the walls around this room you can see some examples of our best print ads. For instance, this is the poster for a very popular fashion magazine, while these here are some shots from an ad for a multimedia company. Many of these campaigns have won prestigious awards for outstanding design. You’ll also notice the TV screens around the room showing some of our best TV ads.



  Marianne Reed is a managing director of Media Design Advertising.    
  Media Design Advertising is in Chicago.    
  Their main branch is outside Italy, with 22 more scattered around the States, Australia, Japan and of course, Europe.    
  They have more than 2,500 employees altogether.    
  Their company deals with the fashion, food and transport industries.    
  They’ve won several awards for innovation approach to advertising,    
  They’ve never had a dissatisfied client.    
  Dave Terry is a design director of Media Design Advertising.    
  Dave Terry starts his speech by presenting some campaigns they’ve produced in the past couple of years.    
  Some campaigns have won prestigious awards for outstanding innovation.    


1. Answer the questions according to the text- 5% (3 min) (0.2 for right answer)

1.What is Marianne Reed?

2. Where is Media Design Advertising located?

3. Where are the headquarters?

4. What industries does the company deal with?

5. What have they won awards for?

6. What prizes did they win?

7. What Dave Terry’s position is in the company?

8. Where can we see the best print ads?


2. Retelling the text – 6% (3 min.) (7-8 sentences)

Task: Retell the listened text.



1. Speak on the given topic – 8% (4 min.) (5-6 sentences).

Task: Do you agree with given statement bellow? Why?

Parents should let young children watch anything they want on TV.


2. Making up a short topic or dialogue. (5-6 sentences) - 7% (3min)

Task: Take part in the dialogue on the following topic:

“Buses and other vehicles are popular media for advertisers.

“Advertisements for books, cars, medicines and slimming products

3. Take part in discussion on the given topic– 5 %, (3min).

”There should be a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous product like cigarettes and alcohol”


For reading you should get 15%. Time limit 10 min.

1. Read the text and translate it - 6% (3min)

Task:Translate the first two paragraphs of the text without dictionary

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 711. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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