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Office Hours

1. Doing grammar exercises

Present Perfect Continuous Ex. at p. 62-63 [II.2] 2. СD - computer program “Cambridge University”. [II. 4]

Revision of grammar material: Present Perfect Continuous


1.Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Intermediate Students Book.Oxford, 2010.

2.Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Intermediate Workbook.Oxford, 2010.

Additional literature:

2.«Language in Use” by Adrian Doff and Christopher Jones. Intermediate Classroom book.Cambridge University Press.

1. www.englishclub.com

2. www.maccmillan.com



Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Hand out

English as a foreign language Departament of General Humanitarian


Intermediate level

2 credits Academic year 2012-2013

Practical lesson №6 The 3d term

Lexical theme ”Transport and travelling”.

Grammar: “Comparative and superlative adjectives”.

Assistant professor Karybayeva Gulmira Akankazhinovnа

Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives

Examples of irregular forms
Adjectives Comparative Superlative
much/many more the most
few/little less the least
good better the best
bad worse the worst
Regular forms requiring 'ER' or 'EST'
  Adjectives Comparative forms(........er) Superlative forms(the.....est)
Adjectives with one syllable only thin thinner the thinnest
Adjectives ending in a single consonant which must be doubled fat fatter the fattest
Adjectives with one syllable, but ending in E fierce fiercer the fiercest
Adjectives with one syllable + Y (Y changes to I) friendly friendlier the friendliest
Regular forms requiring 'MORE' or 'THE MOST' Adjectives with more than one syllable Adjectives ending with ED or ING
Adjectives Comparative forms (more/less........) Superlative forms (the most/the least.......)
Dangerous more/less dangerous the most/the least dangerous
bored (even though only one syllable is pronounced) more/less bored the most/the least bored
Interesting more/less interesting the most/the least interesting

) Speaking

Let’s read the quotation by St.Augustine: “The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page”.

1. Do you agree with these words?

2. By the way, do you like travelling?

3. Let’s take the word and create 5 associations to the word “travelling. Write them down. Read your associations.

4. Teacher: I see you have different associations to this word, because you have different experience of travelling.

5. But why do people travel? Look at this scheme and try to complete it.

Two reasons are given to you.

Read a short funny story about a tourist from the North who came to the South for holidays. The story is unfinished. Read it and try to make up the ending of the story. Finish this story and give your variants.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

Do you want to know the real ending of this story?

“What makes you sure there aren’t any alligators?”…

(…” They’ve got too much sense,” answered the guide. “They are afraid of sharks.)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 998. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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