Guess the meaning of highlighted words or phrases, explain them.
17. Reading the text and retelling it. “Job swaps” The purpose of job swapping or shadowing activities is to learn actively from a colleague, business partner or customer about their job. This will raise awareness of exactly what colleagues do every day, and encourage better communications between departments. It will not be practical for a complete job swap to take place at all times so it is likely that the day would be a combination of job swapping and job shadowing. The job swaps can take place within an organization or with a customer or supplier. The personal and business benefits can include: • Improves internal communications • Improves team working • Encourages ‘out of the box’ thinking • Helps clarify career development • Develops coaching and mentoring skills. Draw up participation forms that ask for second or third choices for job swaps. Include questions like ‘why I think I should be a manager for the day’, and ‘what I think I will learn from this experience’. Also look at any areas of particular interest of anxiety of participants. The answers will help the organizers fit employees to the best swaps for them. There may be some jobs that cannot be swapped, for example jobs that require specialist training, or involve confidentiality, or working with children. Let people know what is excluded in advance to avoid disappointment. Make sure everyone is given appropriate training and sign a health and safety agreement on fire, health and safety regulations.