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Reading the text and retelling it

Change your house to change your life!

People often wonder how to make their house more cosy and comfortable. One of the best ideas is a fireplace. Fire has been always associated with warmth and positive feelings. People like sitting at rainy days before the fireplace and drink coffee.

Appropriate furniture also gives the effect of a real home. Modern sofas and armchairs with plenty of cushions create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Although people prefer minimalist style, it is important to put your family or friend’s photo on the wall, and place souvenirs from trips abroad either on the window –sill or wooden bookshelves. Electrical appliances like huge TV and video are never attractive-they are always difficult to hide.

My dream is to live in a big detached house surrounded by a big garden full of flowers and trees. I wouldn't like to live in an apartment with blocks of flats and rude neighbour’s making noise in the middle of the night. My dream house should be located outside the city, in a very picturesque place on the outskirts of town where I can find true peace and happiness. Therefore, my dream house should have the characteristics that represent my spiritual world and personality with its location as well as its inner and outer design.

From my point of view, the location of my dream house is very important and the surroundings and the position of a house should be carefully considered. I've always been fascinated by rivers and the sound of the birds in the mornings. I'd feel positive and lively if I was woken up by the sound of doves perched on the branches of the trees. In this respect, I imagine my dream house near a flowing river, built in the countryside. It would be located in such a place that I could find fresh water and air.

My dream house's interior design should be carefully planned because I believe that beauty lies within the details. Consequently, I'd like it to have a big, spacious hall since it is the first place that you see as you come in through the front door. At the end of the hall, there would be a staircase leading upstairs. I'd like to decorate the walls of the hall with famous artist's reproductions of still life paintings. For me, these paintings would give person feelings of relaxation and serenity. The first room on the right would be the living-room which is quite large and full of light. Day light is essential for me so I'd like to have big windows in the living room.

As for me I like flowers on the window-sill and a good carpet on the natural wooden floor. Keep everything tidy, because being tidy promotes positive energy. Everyone wants a beautifully decorated house or flat to feel warm and loved when they come back from a hard day’s work.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 544. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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