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Education in Great Britain

The educational system and the types of schools vary from region to region as each area or town has its own Local Educational Authority to decide on the structure. The Local Educational Authority is responsible for financing the schools in its area and is in general charge of them, but the schools make their own decisions about how to spend their money and about the curriculum.Although each school decides its own curriculum, they must include certain compulsory subjects which are part of the Government’s national Curriculum. Subjects which must be taught (core subjects) include Mathematics, English, Physical Education and Social Education.Schooling is compulsory for children from 5 to 16.At 5 the child attends Infant school. At 7 he moves to a junior school. Because of fewer pupils and financial reasons many infant and junior schools are now together at the same school –Primary of First School. In primary school children are not taught subjects, but encouraged to read, write and do basic mathematics.

At 10 or 11 the child will move to a Secondary school.This was to decide weather the pupil would go to grammar, Secondary Modern or Technical school. In 1970 this selective system was abolished.Now the decision about which secondary school child attends is made on the basis of the area in which child lives. Each school has its own “catchment’s area” and all the children living within this area will go to that school.In the secondary school pupils are streamlined according to academic abilities. The most able will follow academic courses, while those of lesser abilities will also be taught so-called practical subjects as well as the core subjects.At the age of 14 each pupil decides which subject to study for exams.8or 9 subjects will be chosen. The pupil will study them till the age of 16, when the GCSE exams are set.

After the exams the pupil can choose the leave school or to continue studying in the 6x form.Some schools have their own 6x forms, but there are also 6x form colleges. At the end of this course pupils pass their exams in order to receive GCSE-A Level certificate.In 1986 the exams system in England and Wales changed. The general certificate of Education Ordinary level (GCE “O”Level) and Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) were replaced by the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).The GCSE has a final written paper and continual assessment meaning that throughout the 2 years course, the pupil will hand in essays and test papers to form part of the final mark. The grading system has 6 grades:(A,B,C,D,E,F) which are passed and a failed paper is given to you.

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