Студопедия — Language Study. A) Understanding the main points:
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Language Study. A) Understanding the main points:

A) Understanding the main points:

1) Complete the following sentences, using your own words:

A) The concept “environmental pollution” holds ……

B) The hazardous pollutants are ……

C) Electromagnetic pollution is a term ……

D) Before the 1990’s radiofrequencies ……, in the 1990’s ……

E) In recent years, wildlife ……

F) Electromagnetic radiation can ……

2) Note down the effects which electromagnetic radiation can produce:

A) ……

B) ……


3) Note down the ways to protect the wildlife:

A) ……

B) ……


B) Find synonyms for the following words in the text:

1) without exertion (paragraph 1);

2) catastrophe (paragraph 1);

3) be accountable for(paragraph 1);

4) dangerous, perilous (paragraph 1);

5) testimony, proof (paragraph 2);

6) discriminate, distinguish (paragraph 3);

7) at random, confusedly (paragraph 5);

8) before, in advance of, preliminary (paragraph 7);

9) acute, critical, crucial, important, pressing, top-priority (paragraph 7);

10) delicate, brittle (paragraph 8).

C) Complete the following sentences, using words and phrases from exercise 2:

1) The government brought itself to the brink of fiscal ……

2) They have no way to dispose of the …… waste they produce.

3) Her son Peter adapted …… to his new surroundings.

4) …… his Japan trip, he went to New York.

5) A child may not …… between his imagination and the real world.

6) The …… economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.

7) Should artists be …… for public reaction to their works?

8) There is a lot of …… that stress is partly responsible for disease.

9) The men opened fire ……

10) There is an …… need for food and water.

D) Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets:


identity fraud, beneficial, total waste, on average, keep a check on, pose a threat, at bay, mining process, e-waste, developing countries, allege, hazardous materials, environment, dumped into


Electronic products have become an integral part of our lives, such that it is difficult to imagine living without all those gadgets which have made life so simple for us. Along with electronic products, even the waste which can be attributed to these products, 1)…… to be precise, is growing rapidly and threatening the ecosystem. More importantly, the life of electronic goods has come down by a great extent of late. Televisions are used 2)…… for less than two years. For computers, it's three. Recycling, or "E-cycling," these and other electronic items is critical for preserving landfill space and for ensuring that 3)…… used to make electronics are properly disposed.

In a specific sense, the term 'e-cycling' refers to the practice of recycling electronic products - such as television, computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators, hair dryers, etc., as well as their useful components, which would otherwise end up being 4)…… landfills and pollute the environment. In a broad sense however, this term also entails the collection and donation of these products for recycling.

The fact that it keeps environmental pollution 5)…… is by far the most prominent benefit of recycling electronic waste. E-cycling helps to 6)…… the amount of waste produced. At the same time, it also makes sure that all those hazardous chemicals - such as lead, which are used in electronic products do not pollute the 7)……. Even dumping these products in landfills is harmful as they mix with ground water and 8)…… to humans and animals alike. Electronic waste doesn't just contain toxic chemicals, but also contains some metals which are relatively rare. If these electronic goods are recycled, it can save us the cost which would otherwise go in mining these rare metals. E-cycling reduces the need of mining new metals, and curbs soil pollution and ground water pollution which can be attributed to this 9)……

As 10)…… as the e-cycling process may sound, it does have some issues which have put it under the scanner of late. Some people 11)…… that all those companies which collect electronic goods for recycling actually export them to the 12)……, or themselves dump them in the landfills, instead of recycling them. They also believe that e-cycling facilities could unintentionally cause great harm to the environment. Additionally, critics claim that e-waste doesn’t occupy a significant portion of 13)…… According to a European study, only 4% of waste is electronic. Another opposition to e-cycling is that many problems are posed in disassembly: the process is costly and dangerous because of the heavy metals of which the electronic products are composed, and as little as 1-5% of the original cost of materials can be retrieved. A final problem that people find is that 14)…… is all too common in regards to the disposal of electronic products.





Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 571. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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