Structure Study
Present Continuous Tense
| Form
| Use
| Associated with
| To be + the –ing form of the verb
| -to express actions happening at the moment of speaking or writing;
-to emphasize the continuous nature of actions happening in the present;
-to state a future action when it is planned.
| Nowadays, now, at present, at the moment, etc.
| Example
| The political and economical independence of countries is increasing.
This research team is not studying corrosion.
Are our students playing a major role in collecting data about global warming?
| Verbs not used in the Continuous form
| Verbs denoting:
1. sense perception – to see, to hear;
2. mental activity – to think (=have an opinion), to know, to believe, to doubt, to feel (=have an opinion), to guess, to imagine, to mean, to realize, to remember, to suppose, to understand, to recognize;
3. wish – to wish, to want;
4. feeling – to like, to dislike; to love; to hate; to prefer;
5. abstract relations – to be, to have, to depend, to concern, to deserve, to belong, to contain, to consist of, to fit, to lack, to involve, to matter, to need, to owe, to possess, to appear, to seem, to resemble, to include, to own;
6. physical properties of objects – to taste, to smell, to sound, to weigh, to measure;
7. affect or influence – to impress, to satisfy, to pleasure, to surprise, to astonish.
| Note:
1. to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper), to see somebody home/off, to see the sights of;
2. to think – denoting a process of thought;
3. to admire – meaning “любоваться”
– can be used in the Continuous form.
| A) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb, putting them into the Present Continuous Tense:
have, look for, develop, use, shrink, modernize, receive, make, put, become.
1) Specialized technicians …… modern scientific instruments.
2) He …… complex procedures.
3) At the moment this organization …… a laboratory.
4) Global warming …… ecosystems particularly vulnerable.
5) At present they both …… a grant.
6) The number of scientific schools in Russia ……
7) It …… obvious that many scientific problems can be tackled in co-operation.
8) Nowadays engineers …… new ways of using existing techniques.
9) Researchers around the world …... graphene to work.
10) Scientific knowledge …… a wide-ranging ethical implications, especially in medicine, biosciences, etc.
Past Continuous
| Form
| Use
| Associated with
| was/were + the –ing
form of the verb
| Action taking place at the given moment in the past.
| at 7 yesterday, from 10 to 12 on Monday, for 4 days last months, all day long/ the whole day, when he came, etc.
| Example
| During the whole of last month scientists were producing evidence about the effects of greenhouse gases on the environment.
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