Заповніть пропуски в тексті словами, поданими нижче.
Рівень. Розділ 1
Заповніть пропуски в тексті словами, поданими нижче. Corn also has one of the most complex ___________ of any known organism and is one of the most challenging genomes sequenced to date. The draft ______________will allow_______________ to begin to uncover the functional components of individual genes as well as develop an overall picture of the genome ___________ It is time to learn the language of corn as a model that has great _____________ and economic significance. (1. genomes, 2. organization, 3. researchers, 4. potential, 5. sequence, 6. time, 7. cells)
Заповніть пропуски в тексті словами, поданими нижче. A tiny frozen microbe may hold clues to extra-_________ life. A novel bacterium that has been trapped more than three kilometers under glacial _______ in Greenland for over 120 000 years, may hold clues as to what life forms might ___________on other planets. A team of scientists found the novel_________, which they have called Herminiimonas glaciei. The team showed great patience in coaxing the dormant microbe back to _________, after which colonies of very small purple-brown bacteria were seen. (1. Organisms, 2. microbe, 3. life, 4. terrestrial, 5. ice, 6. might, 7. exist)
Заповніть пропуски в тексті словами, поданими нижче. Throughout the animal kingdom brilliant colors or elaborate behavioral displays serve as “advertisements” for attracting _____. But, what do the ads promise, and is there truth in advertising? When males must provide care for the ______of their offspring, the males’ signals will consistently be honest — and they may devote more of their ____to caring for their______ than to being attractive. The idea that males showcase their best qualities to attract _____ for mating isn’t a new one. (1. Mates, 2. energy, 3. offspring, 4. survival, 5. females, 6. conclusion, 7. take)