Task 1. Match terms and their definitions (one is extra): a) North-South divide, b) social dialect, c) rhoticity, d) accent, e) dialect, f) rhyming slang.
Task 3. Focus on 2000 recommendations to improve language situation in UK: which of them are also applicable for Russian Federation? Which have already been implemented in this country? Task 4. Compare Russian and British language situation: point out similarities and differences. Task 5. Very briefly comment upon the following schemes programmes of UK language studies promotion: MYLO, Atlas, CYLT, Our Languages, Languages Work, Asset language Ladder. Do they cover needs of all groups of learners?
PART II: Task 1. Match terms and their definitions (one is extra): a) North-South divide, b) social dialect, c) rhoticity, d) accent, e) dialect, f) rhyming slang. 1) A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary 2) Way of pronunciation by a speaker with shared characteristic of a certain locality within the community. 3) A variety of speech associated with a particular social class or occupational group within a society. Also known as sociolect. 4) Denoting or speaking a dialect of English in which postvocalic r s are pronounced; 5) Differences in speech, such as pronunciation, grammatical constructions and how accents vary depending on the region of UK in which the speakers live. Task 2. Be prepared to enlarge upon or refute the following statements: a) One unique feature of British language situation is that regional and social dialects often overlap; b) Regional variety of British accents and dialects is actually a time-travel: you can encounter past stages of language development and the future perspective all in present use; c) The British are tolerant to all accents spoken in UK; d) Urban accents are more prestigious than rural ones. Task 3. Watch the video “Estuary English Accent” (URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2X9L5llhTQ; 8 min.) and be prepared to comment on differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; explain, whether ‘accent’ is used correctly, as regards Estuary English. Task 4:Match the name of the urban dialect with the city of its location: