Even assuming that the naval ship was not a state organ, the destruction of the monument is attributable to the PRC.
The conduct of an actor exercising elements of a governmental authority is attributable to the state that authorized such a conduct. DASR, Art.5. The PRC ordered the occupation of Blyn and the destruction of the monument authorizing the ship to exercise elements of governmental authority. Thus, the acts of ship is attributable to the PRC. The PRC has a duty to cease its illegal actions and to pay reparation to the Banana Republic for the injury caused.
ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility, Art.1 states: "Every internationally wrongful act of a State entails the international responsibility of that State."[48] This rule as a customary one was applied by the I.C.J. in the number of cases.[49] In the Chorsow Factory case it is "It is a principle of international law that the breach of an engagement involves an obligation to make reparation in an adequate form."[50] The PRC via its naval ship commited an internationally wrongful act. Thus, the PRC has a duty to pay reparation to the Banana Republic.
[1] Mini-Compromis, atpara. 1. [2] Id., atpara. 2. [3] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 511 (6th Ed. 2008).
[4] Case Concerning the Clipperton Islands (France v. Mexico), 26 Am. J. Int’l L. 390, 394 (1932), (1931 P.C.I.J. Jan 28).
[5] William Heflin, Student Author, Recent Development: Diayou/Senkaku Islands Dispute: n1 Japan and China, Oceans Apart, 1 Asian-Pacific L. & Pol'y J. 17, 18 (2000).
[6] The Island of Palmas (or Miangas) Case (U.S. v. Netherlands), 2 RIAA 839, 857Permanent Court of Arbitration, April 4, 1928.
[7] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 511 (6th Ed. 2008).
[8] Case Concerning Sovereignty Over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore), General List No.130 (I.C.J. slip opinion, May 23 2008) at para. 68.
[9] Mini-Compromis, at para. 2. [10] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 511 (6th Ed. 2008). [11] The Island of Palmas (or Miangas) Case (U.S. v. Netherlands), 2 RIAA 839, 854Permanent Court of Arbitration, April 4, 1928.
[12] Mini-Compromis, atpara. 1. [13] The Island of Palmas (or Miangas) Case (U.S. v. Netherlands), 2 RIAA 839, 842Permanent Court of Arbitration, April 4, 1928.
[14] Id., 844. [15] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 503 (6th Ed. 2008). [16] Mini-Compromis, at para. 2. [17] Case Concerning Sovereignty Over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore), General List No.130 (I.C.J. slip opinion, May 23 2008) at para. 121.
[18] Seokwoo Lee, Continuing Relevance Of Traditional Modes Of Territorial Acquisition in International Law and a Modest Proposal, 16 Conn. J. Int'l L. 1, 9 (2000).
[19] The Island of Palmas (or Miangas) Case (U.S. v. Netherlands), 2 RIAA 839, 846Permanent Court of Arbitration, April 4, 1928. [20] Ibid. [21] Mini-Compromis, at para. 3. [22] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 504 (6th Ed. 2008); Seokwoo Lee, Continuing Relevance Of Traditional Modes Of Territorial Acquisition in International Law and a Modest Proposal, 16 Conn. J. Int'l L. 1, 3 (2000). [23] Mini-Compromis, at para. 5. [24] Mini-Compromis, at para. 2.
[25] Mini-Compromis, at para. 4. [26] Mini-Compromis, at para. 8. [27] Case Concerning the Frontier Dispute (Burkina-Faso v. Republic of Mali), 1986 I.C.J. Lexis 3, 1986 I.C.J. Rep 3 (Dec 22) at para. 56.
[28] Case Concerning The Temple Of Preah Vihear (Cambodia V. Thailand), 1962 I.C.J. 34 (June 15) at para. 30, 31.
[29] Id., at para. 30. [30] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 519 (6th Ed. 2008). [31] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 821 (6th Ed. 2008). [32] Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1970, p. 3. page 32. para 33 [33] Art and cultural heritage: law, policy, and practice, Barbara T Hoffman: Cambridge University Press, 2006.p.34 [34] Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage, 16 November 1972 [35] 1972 UNESCO Reccommendation [36] Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1970, p. 3. page 32. para 34.
[37] Malcolm Shaw, Int’l Law, 275 (6th Ed. 2008).
[38] LOCATING THE INTERNATIONAL INTEREST IN INTRANATIONAL CULTURAL PROPERTY DISPUTES, Joseph P. Fishman [39] Statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia Since 1991. art. 3(b)-(e).)
[40] Prosecutor v. Kordic & Cerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2-T, Judgment, P 207 (Feb. 26, 2001).)
[41] [FN287] U.N. Comm. on Econ., Soc. & Cultural Rights, General Comment 21: Right of Everyone To Take Part in Cultural Life, P 50, U.N. Doc. E/C.12/GC21 (Dec. 21, 2009).
[42] The UNESCO Declaration Concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage [43] U.N. GAOR, 55th Sess., 94th mtg. at 4, U.N. Doc. A/55/PV.94 (Mar. 9, 2001) (statement of Yukio Satoh, delegate from Japan); id. at 10 (statement of Hadi Nejad Hosseinian, delegate from Iran); id. at 8 (statement of Luis Raul Estevez Lopez, delegate from Guatemala).
[44] Mini-Compromis, para. 13 [45] Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, p. 87, para. 62 [46] Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries. p.40.
[47] Mini-Compromis, para.13.
[48] Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, Report of the ILC on the Work of its Fifty-third Session, UN GAOR, 56th Sess, Supp No 10, p 43, UN Doc A/56/10 (2001), [49] Corfu Channel, Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1949, p. 4, at p. 23., Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 14, at p. 142, para. 283, and p. 149, para. 292.
[50] Factory at Chorzów, Jurisdiction, Judgment No. 8, 1927, P.C.I.J., Series A, No. 9, p. 21