To die out
syn.: to become extinct, to disappear, to vanish 11. to make a big/no difference E.g.: Unless we recruit and train more Gaelic teachers we won’t make a big difference in schools. Database 13. disaster ⇒ E.g.: natural disasters disastrousconsequences/effect/result To establish E.g.: The need to establish an official language has a disastrous effect on small languages. 15. to evolve - to gradually change and develop over a period of time E.g.: Some people claim that languages die as the human race evolves. A handful of sth 17. a huge/significant increase in sth syn.: growth, rise, boost E.g.: There has been a huge increase in the number of children being educated in Gaelic. 18. to invest in sth ⇒ E.g.: This government believes in investing in education. Investment To keep sth alive E.g.: Should we fight to keep a dying language alive? To last E.g.: Only few languages lasted more than 2000 years. Mammal 22. migration /maɪˈɡreɪʃn/ 23. opinion poll - an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people syn.: survey 24. pace - the speed at which something happens or is done E.g.: the pace of disappearance at your own pace - as slowly or quickly as you like E.g.: The course allows students to progress at their own pace. Promising E.g.: That sounds promising.