May 14: Social Construction of Meaning I: Semiotics and Ideology
1. Ferdinand de Saussure, ‘Nature of the Linguistic Sign’, in Course in General Linguistics, pp. 65-70. 2. Roland Barthes, ‘Myth Today’, in Mythologies, pp. 107-126. 3. Valentin Voloshinov, Marxism and the Philosophy of Language, Chapters 1 and 2 pp. 9-24. May 19: Victoria Day (No Class)
May 21: Social Construction of Meaning II: Historical Materialism 1. Marx and Engels, The German Ideology, I. Feuerbach. Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlook, pp. 37-95. 2. Karl Marx, “Theses on Feuerbach” 3. Group Discussion #2 May 26: Social Construction of the Self I: Language and Activity 1. Lev Vygotsky, “Tool and Symbol in Child Development” (Mind in Society, Chapter 1-4, pp. 19-57.) 2. A.N. Leontiev, Activity, Consciousness, and Personality, Chapter 1, pp. 38-59. May 28: Social Construction of the Self II: Advertising and the Subconscious 1. Edward Bernays (1928), Propaganda, pp. 9-61. 2. Film: The Century of the Self, Part 4 (Adam Curtis, 2002, 60min) 3. Group Discussion #3