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Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Do innovators actually need the development of new standards prior to the (1)___________ of new products or services? One example is in the area of biometrics. An Israeli company is developing a voice (2)________ technology which is in the forefront of technology. It is deeply (3)________ in preparing an International Standard based on this technology. In this case, standardization is a trailblazer for the most (4)________ and newest development in the field and constitutes one tier in a series of biometric standards that outline and document the development directions in the field.

We should be (5)________ that standards are a part of the infrastructure that supports efficient innovation. This can be (6)________ by the issue of Hebrew support for computerized systems in the Internet environment. 20 Standards were produced in this field at The Standards Institution of Israel (SII), over the past 15 years. This is a platform on which many new (7)__________ were made possible.

However, all is not rosy. Standardization must (8)______ itself to the needs of innovation. We should recognize the importance of both formal and informal standards for innovation. A formal standardization process establishing (9)__________ between all interested parties is necessary. At the same time, other standards, developed in other organizations, are often more (10)________ to innovative technologies, and play an important role in accelerating their acceptance by the market.


1.A purchase B support C provision D maintenance
2.A recognition B call C visualization D development
3.A fulfilled B keen C consisted D involved
4.A interesting B up-to-date C present-day D expensive
5.A aware B fond C explained D introduced
6.A operated B manufactured C demonstrated D produced
7.A developments B ideas C plans D suggestions
8.A create B develop C adapt D design
9.A negotiation B consensus C business D contact
10.A innovative B inventive C creative D receptive



Study the information about the European standardization organization CEN and its actions aimed at supporting innovation. Complete the text with the words and expressions given below.

a. position standards b. cooperate c. support d. instruments to describe products e. identify f. join standardization activities g.looking forward to

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