TOPIC 4: Syntactic Domain of Grammar
TOPIC 1: General Account of the Grammatical Structure of the English Language under Theoretical Analysis 1.1.Levels of the grammatical description 1.2.Basic notions of the grammatical description: grammatical form, grammatical meaning, paradigm, grammatical category 1.3.Classification of words into parts of speech Supplementary 1: Systemic nature of grammar: types of systematic relations Supplementary 2: Morphemic structure of the word Supplementary 3: Grammatical relevance of parts of speech TOPIC 2: Morphological Features of Noun as Part of Speech 2.1. Categorial meaning, division of nouns into subclasses 2.2. Grammatical categories of the Noun: Number 2.3. Grammatical categories of the Noun: Case Supplementary 4: Special views on the problem of Case Supplementary 5: Morphological features of Adjective as part of speech Supplementary 6: Morphological features of Adverb as part of speech TOPIC 3: Morphological Features of Verb as Part of Speech 3.1. Categorial meaning, grammatical forms and classes of the Verb 3.2. Finite versus non-finite verb-forms 3.3. Grammatical categories of the Verb: Tense, Taxis, Aspect 3.4. Grammatical categories of the Verb: Voice 3.5. Grammatical categories of the Verb: Mood Supplementary 7: Controversial points about future TOPIC 4: Syntactic Domain of Grammar 4.1. General remarks on syntactic problems 4.2. Syntagmatic connections in word-groups: types of syntactic relations 4.3. Syntactic relations and ways of their expression