Practical assignments. 1. Provide a suitable context to figure out the parts of speech these words belong to:
1. Provide a suitable context to figure out the parts of speech these words belong to: British, blue, clear, book, sink, content, flat, present, house, incentive, fast, advance, surrounding, experience, thought, play, boot, strike, tap, change, mean, increase, junior, orderly, orient, paper, yet, past, bargain, exchange, branch, make, ring, late, hard, executive, hope, work, one, too, point, train, measure, slow, lot, chief, future, pay, offer, step, progress, refuse, cause, early, trouble, request. 2. Recognize the following words as notional or structural parts of speech. Consider the grammatical form, lexical meaning and syntactical function (make up a phrase): a) Additional, kindness, look forward to, nevertheless, meanwhile, lately, hundred, unapproachable, in order that, soon, moreover, traffic, properly, dust bin, overdo, blackmail, misunderstanding, underestimate, identification, until, consequence, nicely, appropriateness, yet, before, yesterday, disqualify, ought to, a/the, really, bit, terribly, come down, up, towards, both, badminton, speciality, impossibility, wait for, the United Arab Emirates, next, only, well-built, well, friendly, tasteful, defrost, need, these/those, neither, otherwise. b) Радоваться, высокообразованный, ни, нельзя, также, его, из-за, прочитать, переводчик, приближаться, тогда, конечно, всемирный, бесстрашный, испытывать, плохо, положить, между, жаловаться, согласно, навстречу, потому что, наши, ли, вспоминать, по-английски, должен, буду, менее, лишь, тоже, Средиземное море, взволнованно, тысячелетие, красный, значение, пересчитать, березовый, Анна Сергеевна, люди.