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Give a detailed account of. • the three circumstances that made the eruption one of the most deadly in history

• the three circumstances that made the eruption one of the most deadly in history

• the phases of the Pelee's eruption

• the end of the eruption cycle


Between the years of 1929 and 1932 there was a renewal of activity. In August of 1929 earth movements were felt and subterranean noises were heard emanating from beneath Pelee. Fumarolic emissions took place, and on September 16 of that year a series of comparatively minor explo­sions occurred, with ash once again falling in the streets of Saint-Pierre.

Those people who had rebuilt and repopulated the city after the 1902 disaster needed no further excuse to desert it, and by the next morning there were no more than a handful of people in town. But these explosions did not give rise to the deadly glowing clouds. In­deed, the activity rather seemed to lessen.

Nothing else happened for the best part of a month, and people began to return to their homes. But in mid November they had to flee once again as it became apparent that a period of major eruptiveness was imminent. Not only Saint-Pierre but all the towns which were felt to be within the "killing radius" of the volcano were evacuated.

At the time of the renewal of activity, low-lying clouds above the summit of the mountain luminously reflected the glowing lavas rising within the crater. Small nuees ardentes soon followed. The action cul­minated on December 16,1929, with a cloud which arose twenty thou­sand feet and swept down to the sea in a matter of two and one-half minutes — a distance of more than five miles. It did not strike the city.

After this, the activity dwindled somewhat, though smaller clouds issued sporadically until 1932, when the activity ceased with the formation of several spines. Within this cycle there were no clouds comparable to those of May 8, May 20, or August 30, 1902. And with more foresight on the part of those living near the mountain, no lives were lost. The lesson of the tragedy of Pelee had been learned well.

What the future holds in store for Saint-Pierre and her people is unknown, but it seems likely that Pelee will be heard from again.

■ Suggest how the following could be expressed in Rus­sian:

a renewal of activity; noises emanating from beneath Pelee; with ash once again falling in the streets; needed no further excuse to desert it; no more than a handful of people; did not give rise to the deadly clouds; the activity rather seemed to lessen; to flee once again; it became apparent; major eruptiveness was imminent; the renewal of activity; luminously reflected the glowing lavas; the action culminat­ed on December 16; the activity dwindled somewhat; smaller clouds issued sporadically; the activity ceased; with more foresight on the part of those living near the mountain; the lesson had been learned well; what the future holds in store for Saint-Pierre; it seems likely; Pelee will be heard from again

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 572. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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