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Give a detailed account of. • the effect the heat produced on the things

• the effect the heat produced on the things

• the experience of a shoemaker

• the miraculous things that happened during the blast

• the causes of deaths


Auguste Ciparis, a strongly built twenty-five-year-old Negro steve­dore, was incarcerated in the dungeon of the jail at Saint-Pierre at the time of the emission of the nuee ardente. His crime was murder. The

cell he occupied was small, uncomfortable, and extremely poorly ven­tilated; it had only a tiny grating at the door and not even barred win­dows to look through. It was fortunate for him that his quarters were so normally uncomfortable — in fact, it saved his life.

On the reasoning of May 8, Ciparis was awaiting his free breakfast from the state. Quite suddenly the room became dark, and a hot, sti­fling blast of air flowed through the grating in his cell door. He could not escape the searing heat and writhed in agony, screaming for help. But by this time there was no one left alive in Saint-Pierre who was in less pain than he.

Ciparis, according to what he related after he had been saved, had absolutely no idea of what was happening. He had heard no noise, had seen no fire, and had smelled nothing but the stench of his own burning flesh. Instinctively he tried not to inhale the heated fumes which burned his lungs. The intence heat lasted only a few moments and then went away.

At the time he was dressed in trousers, shirt, and hat, but had no shoes. Though his clothing did not catch fire, he was most severely burned on his back and legs, which were covered by cloth. Surpris­ingly his face, hands, and feet were not badly burned. Probably he fell to the floor and buried his face in his arms for protection.

He called out for help again and again, but it soon became apparent that no one was going to save him. For four long days and nights he sat locked in his cell, without food or water, suffering with his terrible ulcerous burns and not even knowing what had happened. Even call­ing for assistance weakened him, so he stopped.

After four days of agony he finally heard the soud of human voices. (How this is possible, considering the fact that he did not hear the blast of the explosions, is another perplexing question which remains unanswered.) The voices he heard belonged to two Negroes from a neighboring town who were surveying the devastation wrought by the volcano.

Once again Auguste Ciparis cried out for aid, and this time his plea was answered. As soon as his rescuers established his whereabouts, they cleared away the rubble and liberated the living dead man, the second and last survivor within the city.

The stench in his dungeon cell was overwhelming. His flesh had already begun to slough off. Those who interviewed him shortly afterward could hardly stand the sight of his terrible burns. And yet, upon rescue from his own personal hell and after taking a drink of water, he was able, with help, to walk six hilly miles to Morne Rouge.

After receiving treatment for his burns, Auguste Ciparis recovered fully, though he was horribly scarred. He was pardoned of his crime and spent the rest of his life touring in circus side shows as "the pris­oner of Saint-Pierre".

■ Suggest how the following could be expressed in Rus­sian:

strongly built; extremely poorly ventilated; a tiny grating at the door; barred windows; normally uncomfortable; escape the sear­ing heat; writhed in agony; screaming for help; by this time; there was no one left alive; call out for help; catch fire; buried his face in his arms for protection; he called out for help; a perplexing question which remains unanswered; who were surveying the dev­astate; the devastation wrought by the volcano; his plea was answered; his rescuers established his whereabouts; shortly af­terward; could hardly stand the sight; he recovered fully; par­doned of his crime

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 458. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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